Dilaver Cebeci

Educator, Writer, Poet

15 July, 1943
28 May, 2008
Ankara University Faculty of Theology
Other Names
Seyyah-ı Fakir Evliya Çelebi

Educator, writer and poet (b. 15 July 1943, Dayısı village / Kelkit / Gümüşhane – d. 28 Mayıs 2008, İstanbul). He used the pen name Seyyah-ı Fakih Evliya Çelebi in his humorous articles. He attended the Kırıkkale Primary School, Erzincan High School (1966), and graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Theology (1970). He received his master’s degree at İstanbul University, Faculty of Economics,  Department of Turkish Economical History (1986); and his doctorate degree Department of Social Structure and Social Change in the same faculty (1989). His master thesis was “Osmanlı Devletinde İhtisab Ağalığı” (Landlordship with Oversight of the Public in the Ottoman Empire). He worked as a teacher in Aydın (1970–75) and İstanbul (1976–78), as the chairman of Public Education in Aydın (1976) and as a publishing expert at the Directorate of Religious Affairs (1976–80). After 1980, he worked as a teacher in İstanbul and became the head of Department of Psycho-Social Fields in Sport in the School of Physical Education and Sports at Mimar Sinan University. He is a member of the Professional Association of Scientific and Literary Work Owners of Turkey and the Musical Work Owners Society of Turkey.

His essays and poems were published in the reviews Defne, Türk Yurdu, Töre, Türk Edebiyatı, Ayyıldız, Yeni Türkiye, Kültür Dünyası, Türk Dünyası Araştırmalar Vakfı, Güneysu and in the newspaper Ortadoğu, Hergün, Ayrıntılı Haber, Türkiye and Millet. He collected the first rank award at the Turkish Hearth Poetry Competition in 1963, and received an honorary mention at the Ömer Seyfettin Short Story Competition in 1995. His seven poems were set to music and sang by famous singers.


POETRY: Hun Aşkı (The Love of Khun, 1973), Mavi Türkü (The Bluse Song, poems in prose, 1983), Şafağa Çekilenler (Those Retreating to Dawn, 1984), ... Ve Sığınırım İçime (And I Surrender to Inside of Me, 1992), Sitâre (Stars, 1997), Asra Yemin Olsun ki... (I Swear for the Age That… 2000), Bütün Şiirleri (All Poems, 2003).

RESEARCH-STUDY: Tanzimat ve Türk Ailesi (Tanzimat* and the Turkish Family, 1993), Türk’e Dair (About Turks, 2001), Divan Şiirinde Kadın (Women in the Divan* Poetry, 2001), Kur’an Gerçekleri (The Facts of the Holy Koran, 2002), 17. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Toplumu (The Ottoman Society in the 17th Century, 2005).

PLAY: Büyü (The Magic, 1984).

HUMOR: Devrannâme (The Book of Time, with the pen name Seyyah-ı Fakir, 1984), Seyrannâme (The Book of Impressions, 1997).

TRAVEL LITERATURE: Men Kazanga Baramen (Notes from a Travel to Tatarstan, 2000).

CHILDREN’S LITERATURE: (Evliya Çelebi-Resimli Çocuk Hikâyeleri Dizisi – The Series of Evliya Çelebi – Children’s Short Stories with Paintings): Azak'ın Denizaltıları (The Submarines of the Sea of Azov), Bahadır Giray'ın Mektubu (Letter of Bahadır Giray, 1993).

Besides, he wrote textbooks on religion.


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