Writer (b. 1934, Adana). He graduated
from Adana High School (1953) and Istanbul Academy of Fine Arts (1959). After
working as a civil servant at Adana Municipality, he worked as an independent
architect and then became the Secretary General of the İstanbul Architects
Association (1972- 76). After his post as editor-in-chief at the journal Politika, he worked as an advisor at
private companies.
His works have been published in Yeni Ufuklar and Pazar Postası, Yelken since 1955 and in Türk Dili, Antalya and Ataç
since 1960 and in his own publication Edebiyat
Cephesi since 1979-80. With his novel Asya (Asia), he received the
1970 Achievement Award of the Turkey Radio and Television Corporation’s Art
Awards. He took the 1973 Sait Faik Short Story Award with his short story book Çamasan (Çamasan) and he won the 1975
Turkish Language Association’s Short Story Award with his work Apartman
(The Apartment).
SHORT STORY: Tanrıgillerden Biri (One of the Godlike, 1961), Sansaryan
Hanı (The Tavern of Sansaryan, 1967), Çamasan
(Çamasan, 1972), Apartman (The
Apartment, long stories, 1974), Babam ve
Oğlum (My Father an My Son, 1985), Eylül
Hikâyeleri (The Short Stories of September, 1987; revised edition with the
name Ayı İzi-Footprints of A Bear, 1997), Belki Yarın Anlarlar (Maybe They Will Understand It Tomorrow, selected
short stories, 2004).
NOVEL: Asya (Asia, 1970), Yağmur Sıcağı (The Heat of Rain, 1976), Cadı Fırtınası (The Storm of Witches, 1982).
LITERATURE: Avşalı Çocuk (The Child
from Avşa, 1978), Savaş ve Küçük Barış
(War and Little Barış, 1979), Ada'nın Kuşu (The Bird of the Island,
1979), Horozlu Ayna (Rooster in the
Mirror, 1989).
ESSAY-RESEARCH: Haçlı Emperyalizm (Imperialism with the
Cross, 1967), Yağma Edilen Türkiye
(Looted Turkey, 1968), Bir Yeni Dev
(A New Giant, 1977), Yüz Yaşındaki
Delikanlı Bulgaristan (Bulgaria, The Young Man at the Age of 100, 1978), 20. Yüzyıl ve Edebiyat The 20th
Century and Literature, 1979), Babıâli'nin
Şu Son Kırk Yılı (The Last Forty
Years of the State Council, 1984), Can
Çekişen Kitap (The Agonizing Book, 1985), Bütün Dünyadan Özür Diliyorum (I Apologize for the Whole World,
1989), Entellektüelden Entele (From
Intellectual to Pseudo-Intellectual, 1989), Ah
Şu Biz Karabıyıklı Türkler (Oh We Black-Mustached Turks, 1992), Türk Edebiyatındaki Anadolu (Anatolia in
Turkish Literature, 1996), Osmanlılarda
Aydın Kavramı (The Notion of Intellectualism in the Ottoman Empire, 1997), Kod Adı: ''Ulu Hakan'' 1 / Türk Aydınının
Dramı: Medrese'den İmam Hatip'e (Code Name: “The Great Khan” 1 / The Drama
of the Turkish Intellectual: from Madrasah Muslim Schools to Preacher and
Prayer Reader High Schools, 1998), Aydınlanma
ve Laisizm (Enlightening and Secularism, 2000), “Eksilmedi Bendeki Umutsuz Umut" Çünkü Ben Edebiyatçıyım...
(The Hopeless Hope within Me Has Not Decreased Because I am a Man of
Literature, 2000), "Soğuk
Savaş" Yazıları (Texts of “The Cold War”, 2001), Edebiyatımı Geri İstiyorum (I Want
My Literature Back, 2005).
MEMOIR: Çağımızın Nasrettin Hocası Aziz Nesin (Aziz Nesin, the Contemporary
Nasrettin Hoca, 1984), Yaşasın Aziz Nesin
(Long Live Aziz Nesin, 1995).