Novelist and short-story writer (b. 27 September 1944, İzmir). He
completed his primary and secondary education in İzmir. He graduated from
İstanbul University, Faculty of Law. He has worked as an independent lawyer in
İzmir since 1970. He is a member of the Writers Syndicate of Turkey and the
Turkish Authors Association.
His essays and short stories have been published in the reviews Ortaklaşa (editor-in-chief in 1987-88), Teos, Minerva, etc.
NOVEL: Yazgı (The Fate, 1984),
Göz Buzları Çözülünce (When the
Frozen Eye Melted, 1986), Kemeraltı
Meyhanesi (Kemeraltı Tavern, 1998), Kulak
Avcıları (Ear Hunters, 2001).
SHORT-STORY: Kadının Karası Maviye
(Black of Woman to Blue, 1987), Romen
Leyla (Roman Leyla, 1994).
ESSAY: İki Devrin Anatomisi
(Anatomy of Two Eras, 1992).