Hanri Benazus

Araştırmacı Yazar, Deneme Yazarı

27 Mart, 1930
Izmir Ataturk High School

Essay writer. Born on March 27, 1930 in Izmir. He was born as the child of a family that resided in İzmir for 513 years. After graduating from İzmir Ataturk High School, he could not complete his higher education due to financial problems. He was employed for long years, and was retired in 1988. He was an executive and also president of Altay Sport Club for long years.

His most important memory in life was meeting Ataturk in Ortaklar, Aydın on October 9, 1937 and to eat the roasted chickpeas on his table. He has always repeated that he was “a fanatic of Ataturk and adhered to the philosophy of Ataturk”. He owned the greatest collection of Ataturk photographs in Turkey, consisting of 4500 photographs. He donated 3500 photographs to the Ataturk Museum in Çankaya Palace. He gave lectures on contemporary history, Ataturk and his ideas in secondary schools, universities and several institutions; he has also opened exhibitions.


Gönül Bahçemde Küçük Gezintiler, İnsanları Seveceksin, Gençler Sorunu mu? Yetişkinler Sorunu mu?, Mutluluk Çıkmazı, İçerdekiler - Dışarıdakiler, Dost Dost Dedikleri, Kader, İnsan Olma Sanatı, Ben Kimim? Siz Kimsiniz?, Atatürk’ün Ağzından Atatürkçülük, Düşüncenin Istırabı, Ölümün Pembe Yüzü, İçimizdeki Sessizlik, Sevginin Gizemi, Bir Millet Böyle Kurtuldu, İnsanın Bitmeyen Arayışı Mutluluk, Her Şeye Rağmen Aşk, Gönlün Tapındığı Yerde – Pırıltılar Kıpırtılar (2004), İnsanı Tanıma Sanatı, Türk Kadınının Uyanışı, Mustafa Kemal ve Vahdettin.

REFERENCE:  İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004), Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007).



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