Zekeriya Kitapçı

Historian of Civilization, Historian of Science, Historian

14 March, 1937

Researcher and writer (b. 14 March 1937, Yalvaç / Isparta). After completing high school and university in Turkey, he went to Pakistan under a scholarship awarded by Karaçi University, where he studied for his doctorate at the Faculty of Literature (1968). His dissertation thesis was titled Abbasîler Devrinde Türkler (Turks in the Reign of the Abbasids). He became assistant professor at Atatürk University, Faculty of Theology (1976) and professor at Selçuk University, Department of History (1987). His assistant professorship thesis was Emevîler Devrinde Maveraü’n-Nehr’de İslâmiyet (Islamic Faith in Maveraü’n-Nehr during the Reign of Emevi). He worked as the Head of the Turkish Programs Department at Pakistani Radio in Karaçi (1956-67), as a international multifaceted technical cooperation expert at the State Planning Organization Department of Social Planning (1970-71), as an academician at Erzurum Atatürk (1976) and Karaçi Universisities (1978), as lecturer, Head of the Department of Religious Education and Vice Dean at Jos University, Faculty of Literature in Nigeria (1978-82) and as Head of the Department of History at Elazığ Fırat University, Faculty of Science and Literature (1982-1987) He was Chair of the Department of Social Sciences Education at Konya Selçuk University until he retired in 2004 (1987-2004). He has participated in many important cultural meetings within the framework of the “Cooperation for Regional Development”, an organization founded by Turkey, Iran and Pakistan.


Et-Türk fi Müellefât el-Cahız (Turks in the Works of Cahız, written in Arabian, Beirut, 1972), Yeni İslâm Tarihi ve Türkler (New Islamic History and the Turkish, 1986), Türk Askerî Varlığının Ortadoğu’da Zuhuru (Emergence of Turkish Military Forces in the Middle East, 1987), Bediüzzaman Said Nursi ve Anadolu İman Hareketi (Bediüzzaman Said Nursi and Activities of Anatolian Faith, 1989), Şağab Hatun (Şağab Hatun, 1991), Türkistan Millî Tarih ve Kültür Davamızın Meseleleri (Issues of Our National History and Culture in Turkistan, 1993), Abbasî Hilâfetinde Selçuklu Hatunları ve Türk Sultanları (Seljukian Women in the Abbasid Caliphate and Turkish Sultans, 1995), Mukaddes Çevreler ve Eski Hilafet Ülkelerinde Türk Hatunları (Turkish Women in Sacred Places and the Old Caliphate States, 1996), Orta-Asya Türklüğünün İslâm Kültür ve Medeniyetindeki Yeri (The Central Asian Turkish in Islamic Culture and Civilization, 1996), Hz. Peygamber’in Hadislerinde Türkler (Turks in the events of the Prophet Mohammed, 2004), Doğu Turan Yurdu’nda İslâmiyet (The Islamic Faith in Eastern Turan, 2004), Türkler Nasıl Müslüman Oldu? (How Did the Turks Turn to the Islamic Faith? 2004), Orta Asya’da İslâmiyet ve Türkler (Islam and Turks in Central Asia, 2004), Türk Boyları Arasında İslâm Hidayet Fırtınası (Turkish Clans’ God-Inspired Desire to Seek the Way of Islamic Truth, 2004), Doğu Türkistan ve Uygurlar Arasında İslâmiyet (Islamic Faith in Eastern Turkistan and Uighurs, 2004), Türklerin Arap Dili ve Edebiyatına Hizmetleri: Hilafet Ülkeleri (The Turks’ Contributions to the Arabic Language and Literature: The Caliphate States, 2004), Türklerin Arap Dili ve Edebiyatına Hizmetleri Dil Ekolü (Turks’ Contributions to the Arabic Language and Literature: School of Language, 2004), Türk Moğol Boyları Arasında İslâmiyet  (Islamic Faith in Turkish-Mongol Clans, 2005), Kuzey Türk Kavimleri Arasında İslâmiyet  (Islamic Faith in the Northern Turkish Clans, 2005), Azerbaycan - Harzem ve Türk Oğuz Boyları Arasında İslâmiyet  (Islamic Faith in Azerbaijan- Harzem and Oghuz Turk Clans, 2005), İslâmî Türk Tarihine Giriş (Introduction to Islamic Turkish History, 2005), Hz. Peygamber’in Hayatı ve Orta Asya Türklüğü (Prophet Mohammed’s Life and the Turkish of Central Asia, 2005), Türkistan’ın Müslüman Araplar Tarafından Fethi (Conquest of Turkistan by the Muslim Arabs, 2005).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) – Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), A. Müminoğlu / Doğu Türkistan ve Uygur Türkleri Arasında İslâmiyet (Doğu Türkistan’ın Sesi, sayı: 63-64, 2003).


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