Vehbi Vakkasoğlu


Istanbul High Institute of Islam

Writer (b. 1947, Kahramanmaraş). He graduated from Kahramanmaraş İmam Hatip High School (1965) and Istanbul High Institute of Islam (1969). He worked as a teacher at Adıyaman İmam Hatip High School (1969-73) and Alibeyköy High School (1973-76), Haznedar Elementary School (1978-84) and Bahçelievler High School (1984-87) in İstanbul. He served as the Vice Director of İstanbul Public Education. He was sent to Berlin as a teacher in 1987.

Vakkasoğlu whose articles were published in local reviews and newspapers such as Adım and Gonca until 1965, has done research on history and published his essays on this subject in the newspapers Sabah, Bugün and Yeni Asya (1965-81) and periodically in the reviews Zafer (1977-89) and Sur (continuously), İstanbul Medeniyeti (as an administrator and writer), Köprü and Tercüman (serial articles, 1986-87)


STUDY-RESEARCH: Önce Alkışladılar Sonra Öldürdüler (They Applauded First, Then They Killed, 1975), Bu Vatanı Terkedenler (Those Who Leave This Country, 1975), Bozgun (Defeat, in 3 volumes, 1977), Bediüzzaman Said Nursi'de Siyasî Tespitler (Political Determination in Bediüzzaman Said Nursi, 1977), Moskof Mücadelemiz (Our Fight Against Communism, 1983), Bilinmeyen Kadın (The Unknown Woman, 1983), Edebiyatımızda İman Hasreti (The Desire for Faith in Our Literature, 1984), Üç Kıtadan Anadolu'ya (From Three Continents to Anatolia, 1984), Mukaddes Kurşunlar (The Holy Bullets, 1984), İslâm Dünya Gündeminde (Islam is a Current Issue in the World 1984), 99 Aydın Konuştu: Din Gerçeği (99 Intellectuals Spoke : Religion’s Reality, survey, 1984), Dünyada İslâma Koşanlar (Those Who Run to Islam in the World, 1987), Devrimlerin Deviremediği (The Thing That Revolutions Could Not Overturn, 1994), İslâm Alimleri (Islamic Scholars, 2002), Farkınız İslâm Olsun (May Your Difference Be Islam, 2002), Allah'ı Nasıl Anlamalı Çocuklarımıza Nasıl Anlatmalı (How to Understand Allah and Explain Him to Our Children, 2003).

BIOGRAPHY: İslâm Şairi Mehmet Akif (The Islamic Poet Mehmet Akif, 1976), Anna Masala Gerçeği (Reality of Anna Masala, 1978), Gönül Çağlayanı Yunus Emre (Yunus Emre, A Waterfall of the Heart 1983), Tarih Aynasında Ziya Gökâlp (Ziya Gökâlp, In The Mirror of History, 1984), Maneviyat Dünyamızda İz Bırakanlar (Those Who Leave Their Mark on Our World, 1987), Osmanlıdan Cumhuriyete İslâm Alimleri (Islamic Scholars From the Ottoman Empire To the Republic, 1987), Yeniden Doğanlar (Those Who Are Reborn, interview, 1986),Aşk Çağlayanı Mevlânâ (Mevlana, A Waterfall of Love, 2004).

MEMOIR-ESSAY: Öğretmenin Not Defteri (Teacher’s Note Book, in 5 volumes, 1984-93), Yaşadığım Avrupa (The Europe Where I Lived, 1999).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Fikir ve Kültür Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 3, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Biyografi (, 27.09.2017).


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