astronomer, ruler (B. 22 March 1394, Sultaniyeh /
At the young ages, Ulugh Beg visited the ruins of Merağa Observatory that was
established by Nasirüddin Tûsî (Tûs
1201-Baghdad 1274) in 1259. Remaining observatory ruins that he saw there aroused
his curiosity for astronomy profoundly. In this case, it may suggest that the
interest that he showed to astronomy may have been originated from his
childhood. Bursalı Kadızâde was at
Beg is noted for his studies
in the fields of science and culture rather than combat and politics, and had beautiful
madrasahs built in
The basis of astronomical
studies is formed by trigonometry basics, which are one of the fundamentals of
the mathematics. For this reason, Ulugh Beg also made extensive studies on trigonometry:
such studies begun with calculating the value of sine of 1 degree arch. These studies
were started by leaving the previous conjectural and approximate studies of Eastern
and Western world scholars’. He made an attempt to mark a new research era in
the trigonometry and showed his ability in this area by determining calculation
bases based on algebra and geometry. Ulugh Beg, who is considered as a
15th century astronomer in the science world, also gave importance
to artistic values like his grandfather Timur and his father M. Şahruh Mirza
and showed respect to artists.
After his grandfather
Timur’s death on 14 February 1405, there were many changes in administrative
system. Ulugh Beg governed Transoxiana, where he was appointed as governor
general, as a ruler. However, he faced uprisings of the members of the dynasty.
He succeeded to get his nephews Ebubekir and Alaüddevle out of the way but failed
to prevent one of his nephews Sultan Muhammed from taking over the
Upon death of Muinittin
Şahruh Bahadır Mirza on 13 March 1448, Ulugh Beg succeeded him as his eldest
son alive. Thus, as he became the ruler of Eastern Turkish Khanate, there were
continuous fights for the throne and ambition in Khorasan and Transoxiana again.
Upon news informing the rebellion in
Ulugh Beg was a kind, good-natured
person that always researched and learnt new knowledge. It is understood from examination
of his works that this characteristic of him played a big role in development
of his scientific mentality. His modesty and courtesy are indications of his
honesty and seriousness. He was always interested in serious matters and tried
to create scientific background and environment. Belligerencies related to
warfare and invasion that were inherited from his grandfather Timur reveal
themselves in his siblings more. Ulugh Beg always preferred to avoid such aims
unless there were serious necessities.
Among other valuable
scientists that he gathered by scientific establishments such as Samarkand
Madrasah and Samarkand Observatory that he established, Ulugh Beg is known as a
genuine scientist rather than statesman. He held meetings related to scientific
matters with this scientist group very often. He listened to advanced level
lectures in those meetings and also he gave lectures when needed. Subject of
the lecture was based on mathematics and astronomy in general. Astronomical
tables known as “Zeyç Kürkânî”
or “Zeyç Cedit Sultani” have
an important part in the history of science both in the East and West.
One of the master copies
of Zeyç Kürkani was brought to
REFERENCE: W. Barthold / Uluğ Bey ve Zamanı
(çev. Nimet Akdes Tahiroğlu, (s.96, 1930), İbrahim Aledddin Gövsa / Türk
Meşhurları (1946), H. Ziya Ülken / İslâm Felsefesi Tarihi (s. 301, 1957),
Kemal Zülfü Taneri / Türk
Matematikçileri (s.43, 1958), Aydın
Sayılı / Uluğ Bey ve Semerkant’daki
İlim Faaliyeti Hakkında Gıyasüddin-i Kâşî'nin
Mektubu (s. 77, 1969), A. Süheyli Ünver / Bursalı Kadızâde Rûmî ve Devrinin Öteki Bilimcileri (s.7,
1970), Sigrid Hunke / İslâmın Güneşi Avrupa'nın Üzerinde (1975, s. 113), Büyük
Larousse (s. 11934, 1986), Uluğ Bey (1995),
İhsan Işık / Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye
Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People