Halûk Nihat Pepeyi

Bürokrat, Siyasetçi, Şair

27 Mayıs, 1972
Mülkiye Mektebi (School of Political Sciences)

Poet (b. 1901, Katerin / Selanik / Ottoman Empire (Thessalonica / Greece) - d. 27 May 1972, İstanbul). He graduated from Kadıköy Secondary School  (1918) and Mülkiye Mektebi (School of Political Sciences) (1921). He worked as a sub-district officer and head official in various places of Anatolia. He became the General Director of Security (1946/47) in İstanbul after working as Deputy Governor (1939/40) and Security Director (1942/43). He was also elected as a parliamentary deputy for Siirt, Erzurum (1943), Antalya (1945), Kütahya (1954) and İstanbul (1957). He is buried in Edirnekapı Graveyard.


Geçmiş Zaman Masalları (Tales of Past Times, Şah İsmail ve Gülizar Hikâyesi, the Story of Shah İsmail and Gülizar, in verse form; an mock epic titled Tamar Hatun ile Süleyman Sah, Tamar Hatun with Shah Süleyman 1928), Türk Destanına Giriş (Introduction to the Turkish Epic, by adding Tahir ve Zühre -Tahir and Zühre in verse form to the first long poem from his first book 1934) Çanakkale Destanı (Canakkale Epic, 1936), Mütareke Destanı (Armistice Epic, 1938), Millî Mücadele Destanı (National Struggle Epic, 1940), Erenler (Saints), Gaziler (War Veterans, 1951), Türk Destanından (From the Turkish Epic, 1952).


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