Poet and translator (b. 1933,
Darıca / Gebze / Kocaeli). He graduated from Robert College (1953) and
Cambridge University, Department of English Language and Literature (1956). In
İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of English Language and
Literature where he had entered as an assistant in 1960, he first became an
associate professor in 1963 and then a professor. He transferred to the State
Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Drama.
poems, stories, reviews and translations have been published in magazines such
as Varlık, Yeditepe, Seçilmiş Hikâyeler,
Yücel (1952-56), Pazar Postası (1959),
Dönem, Şiir Sanatı and Milliyet Sanat since 1951. He has translated works by Seferis, Y. Ritsos, Kavafis and O.
Elitis. He has prepared translated anthologies. He won the Behçet Necatigil
Poetry Award with his first poetry book Dön
Güvercin Dön (Come Back Pigeon,
Come Back) in 1986.
İrlanda Tiyatrosu'nda Gerçekçilik
(Realism in Irish Theater. Doctoral Thesis, 1966), Değişen Tiyatro (Changed Theater, 1972), John Whiting (1972).
Çinden Peru'ya (From China to Peru,
poems from different poets, 1966), Çağdaş
Yunan Şiiri Antolojisi (Anthology of Modern Greek Poetry, 1982), Çağdaş İngiliz Şiir Antolojisi
(Anthology of Modern English Poetry, 1985), Çağdaş
Amerikan Şiiri Antolojisi (Anthology of Modern American Poetry, 1988), Dünya Yazınından Seçilmiş Aşk Şiirleri (Love
Poems compiled From World Literature, 1993), Çin'den Peru'ya Dünya Şiirinden Çeviriler (Translations of World
Literature from China to Peru, 1998), Kaptanın
Şiir Defteri (The Poetry Notebook of the Captain, with Erdal Alova, a
selection of poems from national and international poets, 2000), Yüreklerdeki Ok, Dünyanın En Güzel Aşk
Şiirleri (An Arrow in the Heart, The Best Love Poems in the World, 2001).
POETRY: Dön Güvercin Dön (Come Back Pigeon, Come Back, 1985), Doğal Tarih (Natural History, 1989), Sevda Yaratan (The Thing That Creates
Love, 1994), Şiir Atlası (Poetry
Atlas, 6 volumes, 1994-2000), Seçme
Şiirler (Selected Poems, 1998), Ne
Güzel Yolculuktu Aklımdan Çıkmaz (It Was Such a Lovely Journey that I Can’t
Forget. 2001), Yürekteki Ok (An Arrow
in the Heart, 2003), Deniz Ürperiyor
Uzakta (The Sea is Shivering, 2004).
He has also translated some
works from English.