Celil Mehmet Kulizade



Writer (b. 1886, Nakhchivan / Azerbaijan – d.1932). He completed his primary education in mullah school. He began to teach in the villages depended on Erevan by graduating from City School and finishing the Seminar of Being Teacher. He changed the name of Şarki Rus newspaper as Gayret, and then in 1906 he published a comic review called Molla Nasreddin.

His name was given a lot of street, kinder garden and square because of his aids to the life of thought and publication of Azerbaijan. The Music and Dram Theater in Nakhchivan bears his name. In 1967 the name of Astrahanpazar and the places near it as Celalabad, his statue was built to this city and Nakhchivan.


İran'da Hürriyet (Freedom in Iran), Poçt Kutusu (Ponç Box), Usta Zeynal (Master Zeynal),  Kurbanali Bey (Mr. Kurbanali), Şiir Bülbülleri (Nightingale of Poem), Molla Fezleli (Mullah Fezleli), Ölüler (Deaths), Sirke (Vinegar), Bakkal Meşedi Rehim (Groseryman Meşedi Rehim), Konsulun Arvadı (Wife of Consul), Yahut İki Muallim (or Two Teachers), Belke de Gaytardılar (May be They Escape), Danabaş (Calf-Head), Kendinin Ehvalatları (Stiuation of Himself), Deli Yığıncağı (Toy of Insane), Kuzu (Lamb), Eşeğin İtmekliğ (Halter of Donkey), Felyetonlar (Phaeton), Yahu (Look Here!), Buz (Ice), İki Alma (Two Apples), Hatıratım (My Memoir).


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