Carullah Veliyyüddîn

Sufi, Islamic Scholar

Other Names
Yenişehirli Fenârî

Islamic scholar, sufi (B. ?, Yenisehir / Bursa – D. 1738, Istanbul). He was also known as “Yenişehirli Fenari”. He was called as “Carullah” as he settled in Mecca. He initiated to Yekdest-i Mekki, a Naqgshbandi sheikh in there. His tomb is in Fatih, at the yard of madrasah and library he made built behind Karakolhane.


Hadîs-i Kudsîler, el-Furkân, Şerhu Çağminî Hâşiyesi, Kavl-i Ahmed Hâşiyesi, Hüseyniye Hâşiyesi, Tasdîkat Hâşiyesi, Âdâb-ı Mîrî Hâşiyesi, Fezâil-i Cihâd, Âdâb-ı Birgivî Şerhi.

REFERENCE: Bursalı Mehmed Tahir / Osmanlı Müellifleri I (1972), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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