Ayşenur İslam

Minister, Member of Parliament, Literature Researcher, Politician

16 January, 1958
Ankara University DTCF Turkish Language and Literature Department
Other Names
Ayşenur Külahlıoğlu İslâm

Literature researcher, politician, deputy, minister. She was born on January 16, 1958 in Üsküdar / Istanbul. Her complete name is Ayşenur Kulahlıoğlu Islam. Her father's name is Mehmet and mother's name is Cahide. She graduated from TED Ankara College, and Ankara University DTCF Turkish Language and Literature Department (1982). She completed her masters’ degree at the same department (1985) and her doctorate at Gazi University SBE (1993). She entered Ankara University as a lecturer in 1983 worked there until 1988. She then worked at Kırıkkale University as a lecturer (1994-1999). She began her career as an assistant professor in Başkent University in 1999 where she also became an associate professor in 2005. She performed duties of Research and Training General Director of Ministry of Culture and Tourism and General Director of Fine Arts since 2007. She took part at the establishment of Yunus Emre Institute and also in the executive board of it. She was elected as Sakarya Deputy from JDP in June 12, 2011 general elections. She became the Minister of Family and Social Policies on December 25, 2013; replacing Fatma Şahin. She continued with her duty in 62nd Government of Turkey and she was elected as Sakarya deputy on June 7, 2015 and November 1, 2015 for 25th and 26th terms. Ayşenur Islam is married with Dr. Bahadir Celal Islam and her level of English is very good.

Her first article was published in Töre journal (1980). Other articles, introductions and translations of her were published in journals such as Türk Edebiyatı, Emel, Türk Yurdu, Bilig, Türkbilig etc.


RESEARCH-İNCELEME-SIMPLIFICATION: Goltz Paşa-Plevne Müdafaası - Belgelerle Türk Tarihi-Dün / Bugün / Yarın (with A. Atalay, transfered by Ottoman Turkish, 1986), Turkish Epic Stories (Türk Kahramanlık Hikâyeleri, English, 1988), Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi I-II (with Nermin Öztürk, 1994), Edebi Metinler I (Poetry-Short Story-Novel, with Nermin Öztürk, 9. edition, 2001), Edebi Metinler II (Theatre-Memories-Travel Literature-Biography-Letter-Essay-Rhetoric, with Nermin Öztürk, 9. edition, 2001), Bekir Sıtkı Kunt’un Hikayeciliği (2002).

ANTHOLOGY: Hikâyemiz İnsanımız Kültürümüz - Modern Türk Hikâyesinden Seçmeler I ve II (1996).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006).



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