Bursevî (Ahmed Sıdkî)

Islamic Scholar

Other Names
Ahmed Sıdkî

Islamic scholar (B. ? Bursa – D. 1894, Istanbul). He resided in the district of Vefa at Istanbul for long years, therefore known as “Vefalı”. His works on logic were predominant. His main engagement was on teaching and learning during his life. His tomb is in Edirnekapı.


İsagoci Şerhi, Zerîatü’l-İmtihân, Şemsiye Şerhi, Mîzânü’l-İntizâm, Zencîr, Hâşiye-i Şerh-i Akâid, Tahrîrâtü’l-Enzâr, Şerhi Risâleti’l-İstidlâliyye, Mecmûa-i Ta’rîfât.

REFERENCE: Bursalı Mehmed Tahir / Osmanlı Müellifleri I (1972), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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