Ayhan Aydın

Gazeteci, Araştırmacı, Yazar

İstanbul University Faculty of Communication Department of Journalism

Researcher and writer (b. 1970, Şiran / Gümüşhane). He graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Journalism (1994). He worked on the reviews Cem, Nefes, Pir Sultan Abdal and Radio Mozaic for three years between 1993 and 1996. He continues to work at the Cem Foundation, in which he has worked in a variety of posts.

His articles have been published in reviews such as, Gönüllerin Sesi Ehlibeyt, Yurtta Birlik, Alevilerin Sesi, Hacı Bektaşi Veli, Yol, Kervan, 4. Boyut, Ada, İnsancıl, İzlek, Damar, Folklor /Edebiyat, Millî Folklor, Dost Dost, and Cumhuriyet Kitap

He is one of the representatives of the Alewi Order. Aydın, who has focused his studies on public beliefs, culture and literature, continues his studies and debates on these topics with scientists, researchers, folk poets, artists, Alewis, sheikhs and Bektashis.


Yaşayan Halk Ozanlarımız (Living Folk Poets), Alevilik Bektaşilik Söyleşileri (Conversations on Alewism, Bektashism, 2.Volumes), Ahmet Hezarfen Yaşamı, Görüş ve Düşünceleri ve Bulgaristan Deliorman’da Alevilik (Life and Thoughts of Ahmet Hazerfen and the Alewism in Deliorman, Bulgaria), Alevi Dedeleri ve Babalarıyla Söyleşiler  (Conversations with Alewi Monks and Elders, 3 Volumes), Kültür Dünyamızdan Portreler (Portraits From our World of Culture,1997), Alevi İslâm İnancı’nın Öncüleri Dedeler (Monks as the Leaders of Alewi Islamic Belief), Babalar, Ozanlar Ne Düşünüyorlar? (What Do Elders and Poets Think, as editor, 2000), İzzettin Doğan’ın Alevi İslâm İnancı, Kültürü İle İlgili Görüş ve Düşünceleri (Thoughts of İzzettin Doğan about Alewi Islamic Belief, 2000).



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