Hakkı Uyar

Tarih Araştırmacısı, Araştırmacı

19 Şubat, 1969
Dokuz Eylül University Department of History Teaching

History researcher (b. 1969, İzmir). He graduated from İzmir Dokuz Eylül University, Department of History Teaching (1990) He started working as researcher in the Institute of Atatürk ‘s Principles and Revolutions at the same university. He completed his master studies with thesiz ‘II Abdülhamit Dönemi  Eğitim Politikasının İzmir’e Yansımaları 1993 (During II. Abdülhamit Time Reflection of Education Politics To İzmir) and completed his doctorate studies with thesiz ‘Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkilapları (Atatürk’s Principals and Revulotions) at the same department. He became a lecturer at the Faculty of Science Literature in 1988 and vice associate prof. in 2001.

His articles have been published in Tarih ve Toplum ,Manisa, Altıok, Toplumsal Tarih ,

Toplum ve Bilim, Contemporaray Research Rewiev of Turkey History, Social Democrat

Changing, Müdafa-i Hukuk Rewievs since 1991.He received 2000 Afet İnan History  Research Award  with his work ‘Tek Parti Dönemi ve Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi’ (Single Party Time and  People Party   of Republic) He has presented various reports in the scientific

meetings and he participated in a lot of television programmes.


RESEARCH-SCRUNITY: Tek Parti Dönemi ve Cuhuriyet Halk Partisi 1948 ( Single

Party Time and  People  Party of Republic ),1923’den Günümüze CHP Tüzükleri Üzerine Genel Bir Değerlendirme 2002 ( From1923 To Today A General Revalution On CHP Regulations ) Sol Milliyetçi Bir Türk Aydını ,Mahmut Esat Bozkurt 1892-1943 (2004 ) ( A Leftist Nationalist. A Turkish  Intellectual Mahmut Esat Bozkurt. 2004),Türk Siyasal Yaşamında Cepheleşmelere Bir Örnek Vatan Cephesi 2001 (In The Turkish Political Life An Example To The Solidfying :Motherland Side 2001).

SHARED-BOOK:Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları Rehberi 1996 ( Non-govermental Organization Guide).


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