Writer (b. 15 July 1962, Ulubey / Ordu). He completed his primary and
secondary education in Ordu. He graduated from
His papers and essays have been published in
journals and reviews such as Türk Yurdu, Türk Edebiyatı, Yeni Düşünce, Millî
Kültür, Gençlik, Saylak, Girgin, Millî Eğitim, Türkistan, Sosyo-Politik
Yaklaşım, Felsefe Dünyası, TYB Kültür ve Sanat Yıllığı, A.Ü.İlahiyat Fakültesi
Dergisi (Ankara University Faculty of Theology review). Also a caricaturist, his humorous articles, essays and cartoons have
been published in humor reviews such as Çaylak, Hoca Nasrettin, Gırgır
and journals and reviews such as Yeni Düşünce, Millî Kültür, Gençlik, Türk
Diplomatik, Gündüz since 1977. Since 1995, he has presented papers at
congresses and symposiums. He collected the Writers Union of Turkey 2002 Essay
Award with his work Hacivatın Hüznü (Hacivat’s Melancholy).
Dil ve Ahlâk (Language and Ethics, 1996),
Platon’un Kratylos Diyalogu Açısından Felsefede Dil ve Varlık İlişkisi (Relation
Between Language and Entity from the Aspect of Platon’s Dialogue with Kratylos,
1998), Hacivatın Hüznü (Hacivat’s Melancholy, 2002), Zehirli Bir
Şey (A Poisonous Thing, 2003).