Mathematician and astronomer. (B. 19 October 1423,
In the scientific environment during the Mamelukes he completed his studies of mathematics and astronomy. He became known as a mathematician and astronomer in a short time. Classical sources stated that el-Hasib (Calculator) and el-Muvakkıt (Someone who determines the time) were among his nicknames.
Later he studied fiqh
(Islamic law) with Alâeddin el-Kalkaşendî and İbn Hacer, ferâiz (inheritance law) and hadith
(Words of the Holy Porphet) with el- Askalânîden and calculation with İbnü’l-Mecd. Since he
contributed to studies of his calculation teacher, Şinşevrî told about him “He
is a summary of İbnü’l-Mecd”. Many times he went to
Mardinî rather is known with his works concerning
astronomic tools such as “universal quadrant” and prayer times’ table he
prepared. Many works of him in manuscript libraries and some catalogues are
appropriated to his grandson Sıbtu’l-Mardini. He
wrote many works in various fields such as fiqh
(Islamic law), ferâiz and language, but
was rather known as a mathematician and astronomer. He determined prayer times
Sıbtu’l-Mardinî’s line is a continuation of an understanding of
mathematical sciences which is purified from the philosophical content of Shafi
fiqh tradition which started with Gazzali. This tradition nourished from İbnü’l-Ben-nâ
school in Northern Africa, reached its summit with İbnü’l- Hâim in Egypt,
continued with İbnü’l-Mecdî and ripened with Mardinî. It did not attach importance to a mathematical-astronomical science in terms
of “philosophizing”, but rather remained within the system of functional
symbols applied to concrete objects. Thus the
The decisive characteristic of Sıbtu’l- Mardini’s attitude is that he was not interested in Indian mathematics and limited calculation with “hisâb-ı hevâî” thus remaining loyal to fiqh tradition completely. It is stated in the sources that he wrote more than 200 works, large and small.
İrşâdü’t-tullâb ilâ Vesîleti’l-hisâb, Keşfü’l-ğavâmiz fî cilmi’I-fe- râ’iz, Tuhfetü’l-ahbâb ti cilmi’l-h sâb, et-Tuhietü’l-Mârdîniyye fî şerhi’l- Yâsemîniyye, el-Kavlü’l-mudî fî şer- hi’l-Muknic (îzâhu’l-meknûrı, II, 251), er-Risâletü '1-fethiyye fi'l-acmâ- li'l-ceybiyye, Şerhu’r-Rahbiyy e ti cilmi’l- ferâ’iz (Şerhu’l-manzûmeti’r-Rahbiyye), Laktü’l-cevâhir ti tahdî di’l-hutût ve’d-devâ’ir, Kifâyetü’l-könûn fi’l-camel bi’r-rubH’ş-şimâlî el-maktif, Şerhu’1-fuşûli’l-mü- himme ti mevârişi’l-ümme, Hidâyetü’l-‘âmil (sâ’il) fi’l-camel bi’r- rubci’l-kâmil.
Cevat İzgi / Osmanlı Medreselerinde İlim (c. I, , s.
438-439, 442; İstanbul 1997), İhsan Fazlıoğlu / “Mardinî, Cemaleddin” (Türkiye Diyanet
Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi, c. 28, s. 52, 2003) - “Sıbtu’l-Mardînî” (Türkiye
Diyanet Vakfı İslam Ansiklopedisi, c. 37, s. 90, 91, 2009), B. A. Rosenfeld - Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu / Mathematicians,
Astronomers and Others Scholars of Islamic Civilisation and Their Works (s. 293-298, 2003), İhsan Işık / Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye
Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People