Bedii Faik

Gazeteci, Yazar

01 Mayıs, 1921
16 Haziran, 2015
Kabataş High School
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Bedii Faik Akın, Pençe

Journalist and writer (b. 1921, Bandırma / Balıkesir). He has used the pen name Pençe (Paw). He completed primary and secondary school in İzmir and graduated from Kabataş High School (1940). He started in business without completing his higher education at İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine (1944).

  He worked as an anecdote writer in the newspapers Tasvir (1945), Milliyet, Yeni İstanbul, Ulus, Dünya (1952-75), Son Havadis (1976), Hürriyet (1980) and Tercüman. For a period he was the owner and editorial writer of the newspaper Dünya, which he established with Falih Rıfkı Atay (1952). Bedii Faik, who was arrested for a while because of his critical writings about the government of the Democrat Party in the 1950s, later on was one of the writers who supported the Justice Party in opposition to the Republican People’s Party


ANECTODE: Efendime Söyliyeyim (By the Way, 1953), Rüzgâr Eken (Planting Wind, 1969)

TRAVEL LITERATURE: Sam Amcanın Evinde (In the House of Uncle Sam, travel notes from America, 1954), Bir Garip Ada (A Strange Island, travel notes from England, 1958), Rusya'dan (From Russia, travel notes from Russia, 1968), Akıl Cumhuriyeti İsrail (Israel, Republic of Reason)

NOVEL: Yabancı (The Stranger, 1954), Pablo'nun Gülüşü (The Smile of Pablo, 1972).

MEMOIR: O Biçim (That Way, memoirs from jail, 1958), Matbuat Basın Derken... Medya (While Trying to Print Newspapers…Media, 3 volumes, 2002).

INTERVIEW: İhtilalciler Arasında Bir Gazeteci (A Journalist Among the Revolutionists, 1967).

OTHER WORKS: Yalancı (Liar), Hitler Anlatıyor (Hitler Explains).



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