Baki Yaşa Altınok

Writer, Poet

Poet and writer. He was born at Küçük Kavak Village / Mucur/ Kırsehir in 1946. He graduated from Imam Hatip High School. He was grown up by receiving teachings from his brother-in-law Hacı Molla Said, local intellectuals. These teachings can be counted as Qur’an, Hadith, Mysticism, History and Ottoman language. Then, he worked as an Imam at the villages of Mucur and Hacıbektaş.

In 1966, he won the exams of Folk Music by TRT. After the military service, he was engaged in trade for a while. He operated a bookstore in exercised as a translator.

He conducted research on the representatives of Hoca Ahmed Yesevi in Anatolia. His articles on these issues were published in some journals. His poems were published in several journals, but he never published a book of poems. He participated in several panels and meetings as a speaker.

The author has conducted research on the origins, residencies, traditions, customs, folk songs, mourning and sagas of Turkmen tribes in Anatolia. His research on Cerids who resided at Kirsehir and Pehlivanlı engrave around Kırıkkkale were published as two separate articles: “Rakka ve Orta Anadolu Ekseninde Bir Oymağın Tarihi (Ceritler)and “Halep ve Orta Anadolu Ekseninde Bir Oymağın Tarihi (Pehlivanlılar)”.


Hacı Bayram Veli Bayramîlik; Melâmîler ve Melâmilik; Alevilik; Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli Bektâşîlik;  Noktatü’l Beyan; Anadolu’da Türkmenler; Bir Türkmen Ozanı Âşık Hüseyin; Öyküleriyle Kırşehir Türküleri, Destanları, Ağıtları, Şeyh Bedreddin ve Varidât (2005).

REFERENCE: Hasan Afşın Can / “Peşin Hükümlü Eleştirilerin ve Sığ Tartışmaların Kıskacında Şeyh Bedreddin” (Kitap Postası, issue: 4-5, July-August 2005).



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