Süleyman Uludağ

İlahiyat Profesörü, İlahiyatçı, Akademisyen

28 Ekim, 1940
Istanbul Islamic Institute

Theologian (b. 28 October 1940, Akyazı village / Sakarya). He attended Akyazı Primary School (1952) and graduated from Çorum İmam-Hatip High School (1963) and Istanbul Islamic Institute (1967). His dissertation thesis was İslâm Açısından Musiki ve Sema (Music and Mevlevi Whirling Dance from the Islamic Aspect). He taught at Kastamonu İmam-Hatip High School after 1967. In 1970, he began working at the Islamic Institute in Kayseri. Following his military service (1974), he taught at the same school for one and half a years. In 1975, he started working at the Islamic Institute in Bursa. When the Islamic Institutes were converted into Faculties of Theology in 1982, he served as an academician at Uludağ University, Faculty of Theology. He did his philosophy doctorate and later became assistant professor and professor in the same institution. He retired while he was an academician in the main branch of Islamic mysticism at the same university. He is the Head of the Sufism Science Committee of TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi (The Turkish Foundation for Religious Affairs' Islamic Encyclopedia) and a member of the Turkish Foundation for Religious Affairs. He is known for his studies in the field of Sufism and is regarded as one of the outstanding scientists in this field.

He has had his articles published in reviews such as Nesil, Hareket, Dergâh, Türkiye Günlüğü, Çağrışım etc. He has also presented many papers at various scientific meetings. He collected the Writers Union of Turkey Travel Literature Award in 2002 with his work İran'a ve Turan'a Seyahat (Travel to Iran and Turan).

WORKS (Research-Study):

Kelam Dersleri I-II (Lessons on Scriptures of the Koran I-II, 1969), İslâm'da Mürşid ve İrşad Faaliyetleri (Spiritual Teacher and Guidance Activities in Islam, 1975), İslâm Açısından Musiki ve Sema (Music and Mevlevi Whirling Dance from the Islamic Aspect, 1976), İslâm Düşüncesinin Yapısı (Structure of Islamic Thought, 1979), İslâm'da İnanç Esasları (Faith Fundamentals in Islam, 1987), İslâm'da Faiz Meselelerine Yeni Bir Bakış (A New Perspective on the Financial Interest Issues in Islam, 1988), Ana Konularıyla İslâm Akaidi (Islamic Doctrines Main Points, 1991), Tasavvuf Terimleri Sözlüğü (Dictionary of Sufism, 1991), İslâm'da İnanç Konuları ve İtikadî Mezhepler (Belief Issues and Faith Sects in Islam, 1992), Fahreddin Râzî (Fahreddin Razi, 1991), İbni Haldun (İbni Haldun, 1993), Tasavvuf ve Tarihi (Sufism and It’s History, Yaykur Open Education Lesson Notes, 1976), Bayezid-i Bistamî (Bayezid-i Bistami, 1994), İbni Arabî / Hayatı ve Eserleri, Fikirleri (İbn-i Arabi/ His Life and Works, Ideas, 1995), İslâm'da Emir ve Yasakların Hikmetleri (Wisdom of Commands and Prohibitions in Islam, 1995), Sufî Gözüyle Kadın (Women from the Sufi Perspective, 1995), İslâm Siyaset İlişkileri (Relations between Islam and Politics, 1998), İran'a ve Turan'a Seyahat (Travel to Iran and Turan, 2002).

In addition, many of his translations and simplifications have been published. 
    REFERENCE: Prof. Dr. Süleyman Uludağ ile İran-Türkiye Kültürel Müşterekleri Üzerine Söyleşi (Name-i Aşina dergisi, Sonbahar 2002), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013).


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