Art historian,
poet (b. 1903, Şanlıurfa – d. 18 April 1980, Ankara). He completed his elementary school
at Numue-i Tatbikat School.
He graduated from Galatasaray
High School and studied
philosophy at Paris University of Sorbonne (1925-30). He worked as a teacher
and director at various high schools and teacher schools (1930- 33) after he
returned. He was appointed to İstanbul
University, Faculty of
Letters as an associate professor of Aesthetic Art History (1933). He worked as
a French teacher at Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, and
professor of Aesthetic Art History at Ankara University,
Faculty of Science and Letters and manager of fine arts at Ministry of Public
He was selected
Urfa deputy in
1943. He returned to university and worked as a professor of Islam History
(1950) at the Faculty of Divinity and rector of Ankara University
(1959-63) after having completed his office at parliament. Furthermore, he gave
lectures of art history at Ankara University, Faculty of Science and Hacettepe University,
Faculty of Science and Social Sciences. He became a distinguished professor.
His tomb is in İstanbul.
Suut Kemal
Yetkin’s first poem that he wrote under the pseudonym Suat Saffet was published
in the review Yarın (1921). His
essays that were very successful of the field were published in the reviews
such as Servet-i Fünûn, Görüş, Varlık,
İnsan, Kültür Haftası, Türk Dili, Sanat
ve Edebiyat that he published, Hisar.
POETRY: Şi'r-i Leyal (Poem of the Nights, 1923).
ESSAY: Edebiyat Konuşmaları (Literary
Conversations, 1944), Edebiyat Üzerine (About
Literature, 1952), Günlerin Götürdüğü (Things
That Days Carried Away, 1958), Düşün Payı
(Time to Think, 1960), Yokuşa Doğru (Towards
the Slope, 1963), Şiir Üzerine Düşünceler
(Thoughts on the Poetry, 1969),
Denemeler (Essays, 1972).
Estetik (Aesthetics, 1931), Büyük Mustaripler (Great Sufferers,
1932, with the name The Great Uncomfortables, 1976), Metafizik (Metaphysics, 1932),
Sanat Felsefesi (Philosophy of Art, 1934), Filozof ve Sanat (Philosopher and Art, 1935), Ahmet Haşim ve Sembolizm (Ahmed Haşim and Symbolism, 1938), Edebî Meslekler (Literary Professions,
1941, with the name Movements in Literature, 1967), Estetik Dersleri (Aesthetics Courses, 1st volume: History of
Aesthetics, 1942), Sanat Meseleleri (Art
Issues, 1945), Sanat Tarihi (1945), Leonardo da Vinci'nin Sanatı (Art of
Leonardo da Vinci, 1945), İslâm Mimarisi (Islamic
Architecture, 1954), Büyük Ressamlar (Great
Painters, 1955), Baduleaire ve Kötülük
Çiçekleri (Baudelaire and The Flowers of Evil, 1967), Türk Mimarisi (Turkish Architecture, 1970), Estetik Doktrinler (Aesthetic Doctrines, 1972), İslâm Ülkelerinde Sanat (Art in
Islamic Countries, 1974), Barok Sanat (Baroque
Art, 1976), Estetik ve Ana Sorunlar (Aesthetics
and the Basic Issues, 1979). REFERENCE: Ö. F. Özçelik / Prof. Suut Kemal Yetkin Diyor ki (Hisar,
sayı: 25, 1952), Mehmet Seyda / Edebiyat Dostları (1970), Yurt Ansiklopedisi
(c. X, 1984), S. Ahmet Kaya / Urfa Şairleri - Cumhuriyet Dönemi (1998), İhsan
Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001,
2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli
Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2007) – Ünlü Bilim
Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of
Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Behçet Necatigil / Edebiyatımızda Kurdakul /
Şairler ve Yazarlar Sözlüğü (gen. 6. bas. 1999), Mehmet Nuri Yardım /
Edebiyatımızın Güleryüzü (2002), TDE Ansiklopedisi (c. VIII), Orhan Okay /
Büyük Türk Klâsikleri (c. 14, 2002), Remzi
Demir - Doğan Atılgan / Elli Portre (2008).60