Sultan Su Esen

Öykü Yazarı, Yazar, Şair

28 Mart, 1947
Anadolu University

Poet and story writer. She was born in Diyarbakır in 28 March 1947. She went to primary and secondary school in Diyarbakır, went to high school in Ankara High School for Girls. After she completed Gazi Education Institute German Department, she completed undergraduate in Anadolu University. She worked as German Teacher in Ankara Çankaya High School and then she worked as teacher in different schools she was retired in 2004. She participated in administrative board of Man of Letters Association. She was in the editorial board and was the editor of Abece education and culture magazine published in Ankara between 1997 and 2002.

Her poems, tales, essays, travel notes, memories, dairy, book introduction writings and critics were published in Adam Öykü, Papirüs, Kıyı, Damar, Ardıçkuşu, Abece, Kum, Cumhuriyet Dergi magazines since 1998. She attended to many literature organizations and radio interviews.

She received the first prize in 2002 SES (Health and Social Service Workers Union) 5th Culture Art Awards Contest with her work Gâvur Köyün Boranı. She won Aykırı Art Magazine 2004 the tale prize with her work Alkara. She won Samim Kocagöz first prize with her work O Gün, won Mevlüt Kaplan Kid’s Literature First Prize, won the mention in Umit Kaftancıoğlu with Kumandan Beni Yemen’e Gönder.

She made watercolor art works besides her literature works. She opened her first solo exhibition in TGNA, Mustafa Necati Culture Center (Ankara) in 2010. She participated to group exhibitions. She is a member of Man of Letters Association, Turkey Pen Writers Association, Language Association and United Nations Turk Association.

She participated to Izmir, EKYAZ Platform group organizations and book writing projects with her stories and essays. Her letters to Miss Sırrı, Miss İffet Hatice, writer Cahit Uçuk and Esma Ocak whom were writers and poets from Diyarbakir and are dead now, are in her works to Savur Saçlarını Ege (2008), Kent İnsan (2010), Güneş’i Öpmek İçin (2011), Kalemden Kaleme, Günyüzü Mektupları (2014). “Daughters and Fathers- Paradigma Publishing-2011, Gökhan Yavuz Demir, Alper Kanca were the Editors, she participated to “Daughters and Fathers” (2011) collective book project.


POETRY: Yürek Kıpırtıları (1997. Translated and published as “Bayaz Buludlar” in Azerbaijan, 2009).

STORY: Gâvur Köy’ün Boranı (2003), Jan Valjan Amca (2006), Keje Maria (2009).

CHILDREN’S BOOK: Aslı'nın Dürbünü (2010).

REFERENCE: Şevket Beysanoğlu / Diyarbakırlı Fikir ve Sanat Adamları (vol. 3, 1997), Ruşen Hakkı (Özgür Kocaeli gazetesi, 14.5.2003), Neriman Ağaoğlu - Zerrin Saral / Edebiyatımızda Kadın Yazarlar Sözlüğü, 2013),  İhsan Işık / Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006) - Diyarbakır Ansiklopedisi (2013).







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