Researcher of the science of interpretation (b.
15 January 1941, Ergani / Diyarbakır).
He attended Diyarbakır Ziya Gökâlp High School (1959) and graduated from Ankara University,
Faculty of Theology (1964). He did his doctorate studies at the same university
(1973). After working as an assistant mufti at the Ministry of Religious
Affairs, mufti (Edirne, 1964-65), inspector (1967-68), he was appointed as
assistant at Atatürk University,
Faculty of Literature, Arabic Language and Literature. He transferred to the
Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the same university. Here he completed his
doctorate thesis “Peygamberimizin
Kur'ân Tefsîri” (The
Interpretation of the Koran by Our Prophet) in 1973 and he advanced assistant
professor (1977) and professor. He continued his job as lecturer until 1987. He
stayed in Paris between 1974-1975
in order to
study. He gave lectures on the interpretation of Islamic works in the Suud İmam Muhammed Islam University between 1983-87. He was appointed as
Professor of Interpretation at Marmara University,
Faculty of Theology in 1988. He became the Dean of Sakarya Faculty of Theology
for a while. After working in Malesia Islam University between July 1998 and August 2000, he
returned to his post in the faculty. Today, he is a lecturer at Marmara University,
Faculty of Theology, Department of Interpretation.
His studies
and research on Islamic science were published in the reviews and newspapers Yeni Devir (1977-82), Sızıntı (1979-85), Altınoluk (1987-89), İslâm (1982-89), Yeni Ümit (1988-89), Zaman (1987-89). In addition to his
compilations, he has translated from Arabic and French.
Kur’ân’ı Tefsiri (The Interpretation of the Koran by
Our Prophet, 1983), Kur’ân-ı
Kerîm ve Kur’ân İlimlerine Giriş (Koran
and Introduction to the Sciences of the Koran, 1983), Kur’an’da Uluhiyet (Kuranda
Tanrılık) (Godhead in Koran,
1987), Mevcut Kaynaklara Göre
Hristiyanlık (Christianity
according to Current Sources, 1988), Fatiha
ve En’am Sûreleri’nin Tefsiri (Interpretation
of Fatiha and En’am 1989), Kur’ân-ı Kerîm ve Fennî Keşifler (Scientific Discoveries in the Koran,
1990), Kısa Tefsir Tarihi (Short History of Interpretation,
1990), Oryantalizm Üzerine
Düşünceler (Thoughts on
Orientalism, 2002).
REFERENCE: Günümüz Türkiyesinde Kim Kimdir?
(1996-1997, s. 651), Şevket Beysanoğlu / Diyarbakırlı Fikir ve Sanat Adamları
(c. 3, 1997, s. 425), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye
Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) -
Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi
(2007) – Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) -
Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013) - Diyarbakır
Ansiklopedisi (2013) - Geçmişten
Günümüze Diyarbakırlı İlim Adamları Yazarlar ve Sanatçılar (2014).