Seyfettin Erşahin


05 Ocak, 1960
Ankara University Faculty of Theology

Theologist. He was born in Taşlıca / Kızılcahamam / Ankara on January 5, 1960. He went to primary school in Taşlıca, to secondary school in Kızılcahamam Pazar Secondary School (1974) and went to Ankara Imam Hatip High School (1978). He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Theology (1984). He worked in TR Directorate of Religious Affairs rural organization between 1978 and 1985. He received his masters from Manchester University (England) with the thesis titled “The Ottoman Ulema And The Reforms Of Mahmud II”, and received his Ph.D. from Ankara University Social Sciences Institute with the thesis titled “SSCB Döneminde Türkistan’da Dini Yapı”. In 1992, he was assigned to Ankara University Faculty of Theology Islam History and Art Department Islam History Subdivision as an assistant. During the 1996-97 academic years, he gave lectures about his field in Oş State University Faculty of Theology in Kirgizstan. After 1997, he taught Islam history lessons to this faculty’s students in Turkey. In 1999, he became an Islam history associate professor. He published his articles in İslâmî Araştırmalar, Diyanet İlmi Dergi, Ankara Üniversitesi İlâhiyat Fakültesi magazines since 1998 and published editorial books. He hosted a religious interview show named “For Kids” in TRT Turkey’s Voice Radio (1996).


Ankara-Mescidler Camiler Mezarlıklar Kitabeler (1996), İslâm’ın Elifbası (The publication of Musa Carullah’s namesame work in Turkish letters with I. Maraş, 1997), Türkistan’da İslâm ve Müslümanlar (Sovyet Dönemi, 1999), Kırgızlar ve İslâmîyet-Göçebe Bir Türk Boyunun İslâmlaşma Tarihi Üzerine Deneme (1999), Buhara’da Cedidcilik - Eğitim Reformu (A. Fıtrat’ın Münazara ve Hind Seyyahının Kısası Adlı Eserleri Üzerine, 2000), Akkoyunlular- Siyasal Kültürel Ekonomik ve Sosyal Tarih (2002).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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