Ali Nar

Science Fiction Author, Novelist, Researcher, Writer, Poet

15 May, 1941
16 July, 2015
İstanbul Advanced Institute of Islam
Other Names
Kâtip Sezer, Halis Emin, Yusuf Tercüman, Ali Gülşehri

Poet and writer (b. 1941, İssisu / Sarıkamış – d. Temmuz 2015, İstanbul). He attended primary school in his village, continued in Karahallı village in Yozgat and received elementary education in İmam Hatip High School in Kayseri, which he later completed in Erzurum. He is a graduate of the İstanbul Advanced Institute of Islam (1964). He worked as a teacher in Diyarbakır, Erzincan, İzmit and İstanbul. His poems, essays and research have been published in newspapers and reviews such as İslâm (1961), Yeni İstanbul (1982), Hakses, Hilal, Diyanet (1964-70), Türkçesi, Yeni Sanat, Sedir, Mavera, Büyük Doğu (1975-80), Bugün, Millî Gazete, Yeni Devir (19685), İslâmî Edebiyat (1987-89) and in Dönüş, which he published himself. His work Fetih (Conquest), which depicts the conquest of İstanbul and Muhtar Kafası (The Mind of a Village Elder), in which he criticized the distorted images of the experiences of democracy was staged by private and school theatres in many cities and provinces. He came second in the Turkish National Students Association Play Award in 1975 with Muhtar Kafası (The Mind of a Village Elder).

He depicted the pains of Muslims in the Middle East and of the people in Anatolia in his utopian novel Arılar Ülkesi (Land of Bees) as well as in his poems and stories. He traveled across the countries of the Middle East with a scholarship from the government and he compiled his impressions in the book Ortadoğu Günlüğü (Diary of the Middle East, 1978). Ali Nar, who has encouraged and helped many writers embarking on a career in literature, has also prepared course books and introduced Arabian writers to the Turkish reader, translating their works, especially those of Necip Kiylâni. He has translated poems by Velid el-Azami, Ö. Baha’üddin el-Emirî and Nizâr Kabbâni. He organized Islamic Literature World Conferences in 1989, 1991, 1994 and 1996 and established the Turkish branch of the Islamic Literature World Association in 1997.


POETRY: Ezan Donanması (The Fleet of the Call to Prayer, 1983), Sığamadığım Dünya (The World in Which I Could Not Fit).

SHORT STORY:  Muhtar Nâme (The Village Elder Book - humorous short stories, 1989), Kan Denizi (Sea of Blood, 1990), Dağ Pınarı (Mountain Spring, 1991).

NOVEL: Arılar Ülkesi (Land of Bees, utopian novel, 1980), Uzay Çiftçileri (Space Farmers, utopian novel, 1988).

TRAVEL LITERATURE: Ortadoğu Günlüğü (Diary of the Middle East, 1977), Anadolu Günlüğü (Diary of Anatolia, 1998).

PLAY: Fetih (Conquest, 1974), Koro / ya da Devrimci Öğretmen (Chorus / or The Revolutionary Teacher, 1978), Muhtar Kafası (Mind of a Village Elder, 1979), Nasreddin Hoca'dan Öğüt (Advice from Nasreddin Hoca, 1985), S. Bin Müseyyebin Hayır Dediği Gün (The Day S. Bin Müseyyeb Called Benefaction, 1985), Ruh Paraziti / ya da Porselen Dişli Bürokrat (Soul Parasite / or A Bureaucrat with Golden Teeth, 1991).

CHILDREN’S STORY: Bir Demet Yasemin (A Bunch of Jasmine, 1991).

ESSAY-STUDY-RESEARCH: İslâmî Düşünüş-Yaşayış (Islamic Thought and Life, 1979), Hicret (The Hegira, 1979), Kırk Hadiste Müslümanın Hüviyeti (Muslim Identity in the Forty Sayings of Muhammed, 1981), Nusayrilik (The Nusairiye Sect Doctrine, collaborative work, 1982), İlm-i Kelam Dersleri (Lessons on Islamic Theosophy, 1985), Kur' an Dersleri (Lessons on the Koran, 1986), İslâmî Edebiyata Giriş (Introduction to Islamic Literature, 1988), İki Sonsuzda Gerilim (Tension in Two Infinites, 1988), Müslümanın Gökkuşağı (Rainbow of A Muslim, 1993), Mizah Edebiyatı (Humor Literature, 1989), Dinde Yenilikçiler ve Buluşma Noktaları (Reformists in Religion and Points of Agreement, 2001), Ehl-i Kitap Cennetlik mi? (Are Christians and Jews Deserving of Heaven?), Cep İlmihali (Booklet of Endless Bliss, 2003), Edebiyat Yazıları (Articles on Literature, 2005), Kitaplara ve İnsanlara Dair (On Books and Men, 2005).

COLLECTION: Hicret Yürüyüşü (Hegira Walk, undated), Akaid Risaleleri (Doctrine Messages 1984), Çağdaş Arap Edebiyatından 33 Şair (33 Poets from Contemporary Arabian Literature, 2004).

JOURNAL: Anadolu Müslümanının Direniş Günlüğü (Diary of the Resistance of Anatolian Muslims, 1996).

In addition he has translated literary works and prepared posters.

REFERENCE: M. Akif İnan / Millî Gazete (1980), Ahmet Sağlam (Cahit Zarifoğlu) / Arılar Ülkesi (Millî Gazete, 3.3.1980), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Bu Hikâyede Asimov da Var, Türkiye’nin İlk İslâmcı Bilim-Kurgusu (Matbuat, sayı: 3-4-5, Temmuz-Ağustos-Eylül 1994), Türkiye’nin İlk İslâmî Bilim Kurgusu Feza’da Cihad! (Yön dergisi, 16 Kasım 1994), Afet Ilgaz / Kitaplar ve Yazarlar (Yeni Şafak, 21.11.1996), TBE Ansiklopedisi (2001), İlahiyatçı Yazar Ali Nar, İslam tarihindeki çarpıcı gerçekleri anlattı (Milli Gazete, 17.12.2010), Ali Nar Hoca vefat etti ( –, 16.7.2015), Ali Nar vefat etti (, 16.7.2015), Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ve Başbakan Davutoğlu, Ali Nar'ın cenazesine katıldı (, 17.7.2015), Ünlü edebiyatçı son yolculuğuna uğurlandı (, 17.7.2015), Asım Öz / Ali Nar özel sayısı üzerine (, 25 Şubat 2016).


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