Mütercim Asım

Dil Araştırmacısı

27 Kasım, 1819

Historian (b. 1755, Ayntab / Gaziantep - d. 27 November 1819, İstanbul). He grew up taking lessons from well-known scholars in Anteb. Upon the execution of Battalzade Nuri Paşa for whom he had begun to work as state secretary, he came to İstanbul from Kilis (1789). By presenting Selim III a Persian dictionary called Burhan-ı Katı (Hard Evidence), some parts of which he translated, he received financial help and completed his works. Upon his return from pilgrimage where he had gone in 1802, he visited his hometown and brought his family back with him to İstanbul. A house was given to him and a salary was assigned. At this time, he began to translate an Arabic dictionary called Kamus (Dictionary, 1805). Although he continued working as an annalist, after Selim III was dethroned he had great difficulty in making a living. After finishing the translation of Kamus (Dictionary), he presented it to Mahmud II, and he was then promoted to Doctor of Theology at Süleymaniye (1810) and later as the Muslim Judge in Thessalonica (1814). When he was dismissed from his office, he retired into seclusion at his home in Üsküdar. His grave is in Karacaahmet.

The reason for his being called Mütercim Asım (Translator Asım) is that he translated two famous dictionaries. The language that he used in the dictionaries was regarded by Ziya Paşa and Namık Kemal as a model for Tanzimat* Reform prose.  His Tarih (History) is also another important work in which he narrates the events from the Treaty of Sistova to Mahmud II’s ascending the throne (1791-1808). Mütercim Asım believed in benefiting from the Western world but was against the high regard for the French.


Burhan-ı Katı (Hard Evidence, translation of the dictionary “From Persian to Persian” by Hüseyin b. Halef from Tebriz, first edition, 1799), Kamus (Dictionary, translation of the Arabic dictionary by Firuza-badi, first edition, 1814-17), Tuhfe-i Asım (The Gift from Asım, Arabic-Turkish dictionary in verse, Boulaq, Cairo, 1838), Tarih (History, from 1791 to 1808, 2 volumes, no date), Kamus-ül Muhit (Dictionary of the Environment, dictionary of scientific terms, 1814), Terceme-i Siyer-i Halebi (The Translation of the Biography of the Man from Aleppo, verse translation of the biography of İbrahim from Halep, Egypt, 1832), Merahü’l –Maali fi Şerh-i Kasideti’l-Enali (Translation and explanation of a eulogy related to religious doctrine), Mazharü’l-Takdis bi Buruçi Taifeti’l-Fransis (On the occupation of Egypt by the French, translation by Hasan el-Cebarti).

REFERENCE: Bursalı Mehmed Tahir / Osmanlı Müellifleri I (1972), İbnülemin Mahmud Kemal İnal / Son Asır Türk Şairleri (c. I, 1999), Behçet Necatigil / Edebiyatımızda İsimler Sözlüğü (1999), Şükran Kurdakul / Şairler ve Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1999), Şakir Sabri / Gaziantep Büyükleri (1999), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013). 



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