Münir Hayri Egeli

Journalist, Writer

Sorbonne University Institute of Psychology
Other Names
Bayan, Hadiye Sayron

      Journalist and writer (b. 1903, İstanbul - d. 1970). He graduated from İstanbul Teacher Training School (1919) and Sorbonne University, Institute of Psychology (1922). He served as Turkish Information Manager (1920-22) and Inspector of Education (1922) in Paris, as a teacher in Trabzon and Ankara High Schools, as Director of Education in Kocaeli, Bolu and Balıkesir. Also he worked as a director at the National Performance Academy, the Fine Arts Academy and the Police Institute.

Egeli, who served in the clerical office of the One Party Regime, also adapted the play, Bay Önder (Mr. Leader) on the wishes of Atatürk while he was commissioned to edit Mustafa Kemal's Nutuk (Speech). He also made the film, Ben Bir İnkılap Çocuğuyum (I Am a Son of the Revolution).

Later on, he worked for the newspaper, Millet published by Cemal Kutay (1948). He also published the review Haftalık Gazete. He used Bayan and Hadiye Sayron as pen names in some of his works.


Temsil Hakkında Bir Konferans (A Conference on Performance, 1983), Özsoy, Bay Önder (Mr. Leader, play), Bir Ülkü Yolu (An Ideal Path), Taş Bebek (The Stone Doll, 1934), Haftamızı Oynuyoruz (We are Performing this Week), Yeni Ağustos Böcekleri ile Karıncalar (New Cicadas and Ants, 1930), Lady Windermann'ın Yelpazesi (Lady Windermere’s Fan, translated from Oscar Wilde with the pen name Bayan, 1939), Yörük Emine (Yörük Emine, 1946), Adalı Kız (The Island Girl, with Emin Cenkmen, 1946), Terleyen Efe (Sweating Hector), Fındık Kurdu (Coquettish Plump Woman, novel), Atatürk'ün Bilinmeyen Hatıraları (The Unknown Memories of Atatürk.)

In addition, he wrote about three hundred plays and stories.


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