Muzaffer Arabul

Yazar, Şair

21 Kasım, 1997
Land Registry High School

Poet and writer (b. 1917, İstanbul – d. 21 November 1997). He attended the Pertevniyal High School and graduated from the Land Registry High School. He worked as a surveyor and accountant in various cities. He was sentenced for a while in 1952 because of having acted against Article 141 of the constitution. After his acquittal, he worked as an accountant (1956-61), and an administration officer for the newspaper Akşam (1961-71) and managed the advertisement agency, which he had established. He published his poetry first in the review Yücel (1940) and then in the reviews Türk Solu and Gerçek Sanat.


POETRY: Sana Ne Olmuş (What’s the Matter with You, 1962), İnsana Saygı (Respect to Man, 1964), Eğri Tahtalar (Curved Wood, 1966), Eski Bir Çağ (An Old Era, 1969), Tam Güneşin Altı (The Lower Side of The Sun), Ertelenmiş Şarkılar (Delayed Songs, 1977), Yarısı Karanlıkta Yarısı Güneş (Half Dark Half Light, 1990).

NOVEL: Çakrazlar (Çakraz’s, first volume, 1967).

ESSAY: Toplumsal Eylem (Social Action, 1978), Derim ki (I Say That, 1989).

RESEARCH: Ebussuud Efendi (Ebussuud Efendi, 1979).


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