Mustafa Özel (Ekonomist)


Boğaziçi University Faculty of Administrative Sciences Department of Economics

Economist (b. 1956, Ağrı). He graduated from Naci Gökçe High School (1974) and Boğaziçi University, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics (1980). He completed his master and PhD at Marmara University, Department of Economics. He worked as manager and consultant at banking, foreign trade and industry sectors. He still lectures on International Economics and Management Idea at Beykent University.

His writings and poems were published in the reviews, Dergâh, İzlenim, Kayıtlar, İlim ve Sanat, İslâm, Yedi İklim, İktisat and İş Dünyası. He still writes daily paragraphs in the newspaper, Yenişafak.


THOUGHT-RESEARCH-STUDY: Amerikan Yüzyılının Sonu (End of the American Century, 1994); Birey, Burjuva ve Zengin (The Individual, Bourgeois and the Rich, 1994), Piyasa Düşmanı Kapitalizm (Market Enemy Capitalism, 1995), İstikbal Göklerdedir (Future is in the Sky, 1996), Yöneticilik Dersleri (Managing Lessons, 1996)  Etkici Yönetici (The Impact-Oriented Manager), Niteliğin Egemenliği (Dominance of the Quality), Devlet ve Ekonomi (State and Economy), İktisat ve Din (Economics and Religion), Değişim ve Kriz (Change and Crisis), Refahlı Türkiye (The Welfared Turkey), Müslüman ve Ekonomi (The Muslim and Economics), Liderlik Sanatı (The Art of Leadership).

EDITION: Küresel Rekabet (Global Competition), Stratejik Yönetim ve Liderlik (Strategic Management and Leadership), İktisat Risaleleri (Economics Treatises), Tarih Risaleleri (History Treatises).



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