Murat Kapkıner

Painter, Writer, Poet

10 April, 1950
Air Officer School

Poet and writer, painter (b. 1950, Malatya). He graduated from Malatya Art Institute for Boys (1967), Noncommissioned Air Officer School (1969). He worked as a technical noncommissioned officer in the Air Force (1969-75), as an electric technician at different organizations and then in 1975 he retired. He has also worked as a manager at private and state organizations. His works were published in the reviews Aylık (1981-83), Çağımıza Selam (1986-87), Kelime (1987-88), Varide (1986-87). He was founder and owner of the reviews Kelime and Varide.


NOVEL: Güz İnsanları (People of Autumn, 1982), Karanlıktakiler (People in Darkness, 1983), Wesirfinger Pastanesi (Wesirfinger Pastry Shop, 2001), İblis'in Son Savunması (Final Defense of Satan, 2001).

RESEARCH-ESSAY: Yaşamayı Göze Almak (To Accept the Risk of Living, 1986).

INTERVIEW:  Nefs (Flesh, 1988).

POETRY: Not Düştüm Besmeleye (I Wrote Down the Formula “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”), Bütün Eserleri 1-5 (Complete Works 1-5: 1 Şiirler / Anne Ben Artık İyiyim – 1: Poems / Mother I am Already Fine, 2: Denemeler -Essay, 3: Merhamet Muştusu, dört risale bir arada - Good News of Mercy, four pamphlets in one, 4: Elifbamdan Arta Kalan, şiir (Remains of My Alphabet, poem, 5: Nef Risalesi -Pamphlet of Nef), Kimsenin Aklına Gelmeyen (Something that Does Not Come to Mind, 1999), Ademin Müstesna Ölümü (Exceptional Death of Adam, 1998).

POETRY RECORDING: Bu Rüzgâr (This Wind), Acımız Geceyi Büyütür (Our Pain Makes the Night Bigger).

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