Poet and writer, painter (b. 1950, Malatya). He
graduated from Malatya Art Institute for Boys (1967), Noncommissioned Air
Officer School (1969). He worked as a technical noncommissioned officer in the
Air Force (1969-75), as an electric technician at different organizations and
then in 1975 he retired. He has also worked as a manager at private and state
organizations. His works were published in the reviews Aylık (1981-83), Çağımıza
Selam (1986-87), Kelime (1987-88), Varide (1986-87). He was
founder and owner of the reviews Kelime and Varide.
NOVEL: Güz İnsanları
(People of Autumn, 1982), Karanlıktakiler
(People in Darkness, 1983), Wesirfinger
Pastanesi (Wesirfinger Pastry Shop, 2001), İblis'in Son Savunması (Final Defense of Satan, 2001).
RESEARCH-ESSAY: Yaşamayı Göze Almak (To Accept the Risk of Living, 1986).
INTERVIEW: Nefs (Flesh, 1988).
POETRY: Not Düştüm Besmeleye (I Wrote Down the
Formula “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim”), Bütün
Eserleri 1-5 (Complete Works 1-5: 1 Şiirler / Anne Ben Artık
İyiyim – 1: Poems / Mother I am Already Fine, 2: Denemeler -Essay,
3: Merhamet Muştusu, dört risale bir arada - Good News of Mercy, four
pamphlets in one, 4: Elifbamdan Arta Kalan, şiir (Remains of My
Alphabet, poem, 5: Nef Risalesi -Pamphlet of Nef), Kimsenin Aklına Gelmeyen (Something that Does
Not Come to Mind, 1999), Ademin Müstesna
Ölümü (Exceptional Death of Adam, 1998).
POETRY RECORDING: Bu Rüzgâr (This Wind), Acımız
Geceyi Büyütür (Our Pain Makes the Night Bigger).