and writer (b. 15 January
His works have appeared in the newspapers Cumhuriyet, Siyah Beyaz and the reviews Kültür-Sanat, Kıyı, Ziya Gökâlp, Folklor
Edebiyat, etc. since 1968. With his work, Diyarbakır Efsaneleri (Diyarbakır Legends) he won the
Sweden-Stockholm University Culture House Research Award, the İnönü University
Legend Compilation Award, the Faculty of Language, History and Geography
Lullaby Collection Award, the Troy Folklore Association Pertev Naili Boratav
Folk Award in 1998 and the Services to Culture Service from Diyarbakır
Municipality and Chamber of Industry. He is a member of the PEN Writers
Association, the Children’s Publishing Association and the Anatolian Club. His
play titled Silvanlı Kadınlar (Women
of Silvan) was staged by İstanbul City Theatres in 1998.
RESEARCH: Diyarbakır
Efsaneleri (Diyarbakır Legends, 2 volumes, 1989), Azerbaycan Halk Edebiyatı ile Türkiye Halk Edebiyatı Arasındaki
Benzerlikler - Karşılaştırmalı Örnekleriyle (The Simila–rities Between
Azerbaijan Folkloric Literature and Turkey Folkloric Literature – With
Comparative Examples, 1991), Kim Uyur Kim
Uyanık (Who Sleeps, Who Is Awake, 1992), Masallar (Tales, 1992), Şahmaran
(Chief of the Snakes, 1994), Masalların
Eğitimsel İşlevleri (The Pedagogic Functions of Tales, 1996), Halk Bilimi ve Edebiyat Yazıları
(Folklore and Literary Texts, 2000).
Arada Bir (Sometimes, 1994), Düş Düşün ve Gerçek (Dream, Thought and
Reality, 1998).