Researcher and writer (b. 1 December
1955, İstanbul). He is the grandson of the famous surgeon Mim Kemal Öke
(1884-55). He graduated from Robert College (1973), England Cambridge
University Faculties of Economics and History and İstanbul University, Faculty
of Economics. He became an associate professor in 1984 and a professor in 1990.
He continues his studies at İstanbul Beykent University as a faculty member.
He served as the Director of Institute
at Boğaziçi University, Directorate of Atatürk after 1983 and became faculty
member of the Department of Public Administration at the same university in
1984. He also worked for the United Nations (1983-89). Öke, who worked as a
counselor at Turkish Radio and Television Corporation, is also a scenarist,
producer, awarded taekwondo fighter. He won the Turkey National Culture
Foundation Department of History Award in 1981 with his history researches, the
Idea Award of Union Writers of Turkey in 2002 with his work Din-Ordu Gerilimi - Küresel Toplumda Dışlanan Demokrasi (The Tension between Religion
and Army - The Democracy Excluded in the Global Society). His script titled,
Duvardaki Kan (The Blood on the Wall) were shown as film serial on TV (1987).
He directed forums on Turkey Newspaper Radio and Television Inc. He continues
his studies in İstanbul.
RESEARCH: II. Abdülhamit, Siyonistler ve Filistin Meselesi (Abdülhamit II, Zionists and the Question of Palestine, 1981), Siyonizm ve Filistin Sorunu 1880-1940 (Zionism and the Question of Palestine 1880-1940, 1982), II. Abdülhamit ve Dönemi (Abdülhamit II and His Time, 1983), İngiliz Belgelerinde Lozan Barış Konferansı (Lausanne Peace Treaty in the English Documents, 1983), Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey (1984), Vambery: Belgelerle Bir Devletlerarası Casusun Yaşam Öyküsü (Vambery: The Life Story of a Spy with Documents, 1985), Ermeni Meselesi 1914-1923 (The Armenian Question 1914-1923, 1986), İngiliz Ajanı E. W. C. Noel'in Kürdistan Misyonu, 1919 (The Kurdistan Mission of the English Spy E. W. C. Noel 1919, 1989), Unutulan Savaşın Kronolojisi / Kore 1950-1953 (The Chronology of a Forgotten War / Korea 1950-1953, 1990), Hilafet Hareketleri (The Caliphate Movements, 1991), Saraydaki Casus (The Spy at the Palace, 1991), Musul-Kürdistan Sorunu 1918-1926 (The Mousul-Kurdistan Question 1918-1926, 1995), Geçiş Sürecinde Orta Asya Türk Cumhuriyetleri (Middle Asia Turkish States at the Trajectory Process, 1999), Mustafa Kemal Paşa ve İslam Dünyası / Hilafet Hareketi (Mustafa Kemal Paşa and Islamic World / The Caliphate Movement, 2000), Siyonizmden Uygarlıklar Çatışmasına Filistin Sorunu (The Question of Palestine from Zionism to the Clash of Civilizations, 2002), Küresel Toplum (The Global Society, 2002), Din-Ordu Gerilimi - Küresel Toplumda Dışlanan Demokrasi (The Tension between Religion and Army - The Democracy Excluded in the Global Society, 2002).
NOVEL: Günbatımı (Sunset, 1991).