Mevlâna İdris Zengin

Çocuk Edebiyatı Yazarı, Yazar, Şair

12 Mart, 1966
Istanbul University Faculty of Law

Poet and writer (b. 15 March 1966, Andırın / Kahramanmaraş). He attended primary school in Andırın. He graduated from Kahramanmaraş İmam-Hatip High School and İstanbul University, Faculty of Law (1989). Since 1994 he has worked as a press advisor at İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality.

His first article was published in the newspaper Yeni Devir in 1979. His articles and poems have featured in the reviews İkindiyazıları, Albatros, Diriliş and Dergâh and in the newspapers Zaman and Yeni Şafak. He is mostly known for his children’s literature. Beyaz Kargadan Mavi Masallar (Blue Tales from White Crow, 1989) and Sufi ile Pufi (Sufi and Pufi, 1990) were animated by the Turkish Television and Radio Corporation. He won the Gökyüzü Press Children’s Literature Award in 1987 and the Writer’s Union of Turkey Children’s Literature Award in 1998 with Korku Dükkânı (Fear Shop).


POETRY: Kuş Renkli Çocukluğum (My Bird Colored Childhood, 1987), İyi Geceler Bayım (Good Night Sir, 1997).

CHILDREN’S LITERATURE (Fairy Tale - Short Story): Sufi ile Pufi (Sufi and Pufi, 1992), Çınçınlı Masal Sokağı (Tinkling Fairytale Street 1992), Kirpiler Şapka Giymez (Hedgehogs Don’t Wear Hats, 1992), Tehlikeli Bir Kitap (A Dangerous Book, 1997), Hayal Dükkânı  (Dream Shop, 1997), Korku Dükkânı  (Fear Shop, 1998), Ütüsüz Ayakkabılar (Un-ironed Shoes, 1999), Sinir Dükkânı (Limit Shop, 2002). 

REFERENCE: TDE Ansiklopedisi (2001), İhsan Işık / " İDRİS (Zengin), Mevlana" Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007), Mehmet Çetin / Tanzimattan Günümüze Türk Şiiri Antolojisi (c.4, 2002), Zeki Bulduk / Portre: Mevlana İdris'te dostu gördüm - Mevlana; Kovulmuşlar Yurdundaki Şairim! (, 16 Eylül 2009), Mevlana İdris Zengin kitapları (,,,, 29.05.2022).


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