Aka Gündüz

Yazar, Şair

06 Kasım, 1958
Kuleli Military High School
Diğer İsimler
Hüseyin Enis Avni, Ali Kemal, Avni, Doğan, Enis Avni, Enis Saffet, Avni Muallim, Seniha Hikmet, Serkenkebin Efendi

Writer (b. 1886, Katerin (Thessalonica) Greece- d. 7 November 1958, Ankara). His real name was Hüseyin Avni. In his works he used pen names such as Ali Kemal, Avni, Doğan, Enis Avni, Enis Saffet, Muallim, Seniha Hikmet and Serkenkebin Efendi. He attended the İstanbul Kuleli Military High School and entered the Military Academy but he did not graduate. For a short period of time he studied law and fine arts in Paris. He started working as a journalist in İstanbul, where he had come during the 31 March rebellion (1909) as a member of the peacekeeping army from Thrace. He was exiled to Malta when İstanbul was occupied (1919). He served as a parliamentary deputy between 1932 and 1946.

He took his place among those of National Literature Movement and published approximately seventy books. He was known for his popular stories and novels in which he used romantic and lively dialogues, some of which have been filmed. However, it is considered that he was unable to rid himself of technical errors in his works.


NOVEL: Dikmen Yıldızı (Summit Star, 1928), Odun Kokusu (Smell of Wood, 1928), Tang-Tango (Tang-Tango, 1928), Bir Şoförün Gizli Defteri (The Secret Notebook of a Driver, 1928), İki Süngü Arasında (Between Two Bayonets, 1929), Üvey Ana (Stepmom, 1933), Aşkın Temizi (Naive Love, 1937), Zekeriya Sofrası (The Meal of Zekeriya, 1938), Mezar Kazıcılar (Grave Diggers, 1939), Yayla Kızı (Highlander Girl, 1940), Eğer Aşk (If Love, 1946), Bir Masalın Kızı (The Girl from a Fairy Tale, 1954).

SHORT STORY: Türk Kalbi (Turkish Heart, 1913), Kurbağacık (Little Frog, 1919), Bu Toprağın Kızları (The Girls of This Land, 1927), Hayattan Hikâyeler (Stories of Life, 1933),

PLAY: Muhterem Katil (Dear Murderer, 1914), Yârim Osman (My Darling Osman, 1933), Mavi Yıldırım (Blue Lightening, 1934),

POETRY: Bozgun (Defeat, 1913).



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