Sedat Umran

Şair ve Yazar, Çevirmen

07 Ağustos, 2013
İstanbul University Faculty of Literature Department of German Language and Literature

Poet and writer, translator (b. 1925, İstanbul – d. Ö. 7 August 2013, İstanbul). He attended Erenköy 38. Primary School, Kadıköy 1. Secondary School and graduated from Haydarpaşa High School (1942) and İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of German Language and Literature (1948). He started to work as a civil servant at the İstanbul Branch of the Central Bank in 1951 and later worked for a year at the Finance Institute (1955). He worked as a translator for different companies and factories in İzmir from 1956. When he retired in 1974, he devoted himself to poetry and translating from German. Sedat Umran, who was not only a productive but also a subtle poet, is famous for his book Leke (The Mark). As topics he chose inconsequential things for his poems and Leke (The Mark) bears beautiful examples of this.

His first poem was published in the magazine Yedigün in 1943. In his first book Meşaleler (The Torches, 1949) we see the influence of Ahmet Haşim in his poetry; however, he gave examples of his original style, simply writing the poetry of objects. He developed a kind of object symbolism in his book Leke (The Mark, 1970), or in Necatigil’s words, he “searched for the metaphysics of objects”, at the same time he successfully reflected the grief of a person struck by tragedy. He is regarded as “the poet of objects” in literature circles. Although he is unbiased, he attracted the attention of the establishment from all sides and his poetry was much appreciated.

For a while he was remembered primarily for being among the poets in the magazine Yedigün, but in addition he published his poems in a large amount of magazines. Within a given month his poems appeared in more than one magazine. The magazines in which his poems and translations were mainly published were: Yedigün (his first poem, 1943, no: 536), Hisar, Beş Sanat, Varlık, Türk Dili, Güney, Yeditepe, Soyut, Büyük Doğu, Diriliş, Türk Edebiyatı, Sözcükler, Sedir, Tan, Gösteri, Gergedan, Mavera, Aylık Dergi, Millî Kültür, and Yaba/Öykü. His research appeared in the newspapers Yeni Devir, Tercüman and Türkiye. A major part of the books he translated from German dealt with the topics of Indian Philosophy and Spiritualism. With his translation İnsan Gelişiminin Devridaimi (The Perpetual Rotation of Human Development) by Wilhelm Werschel he won the Writers Union of Turkey Translation Award in 1994.


POETRY: Meşaleler (The Torches, 1949), Leke (The Mark, 1970), Gittin Taş Atarak Denizlerime (Throwing Stones to My Seas, You Went Away, 1990), Kara Işıldak (The Dark Searchlight, 1993), Parmak Uçlarımdaki Yangın (The Fire on My Finger Tips, 1995), Sedat Umran’dan Seçmeler (A Selection of Sedat Umran, 1995), Aynada Gün Doğumu (The Sunrise in the Mirror, 1995), Akşam Şiirleri (Evening Poems, 1998), Altın Eşik (The Golden Threshold, 1999), Kırık Ayna (The Broken Mirror, a collection of his love poems, 2000), Sonsuzluk Atı (The Horse of Infinity, 2000), Kış Bayramı (The Winter Festival, 2002).

ESSAY-RESEARCH: Şiirde Metafizik Gerçek (The Metaphysical Reality in Poetry, 1995).

ANTHOLOGY: Şaheserler Antolojisi (The Anthology of Masterpieces, together with Hasan Akay, 1994), İnsan Gelişiminin Devr-i Daimi (The Perpetual Rotation of Human Development, 1996), Şaheser Çocuk Şiirleri Antolojisi (Anthology Masterpieces of Poetry for Children, together with Hasan Akay, 1995), Ünlü Şairlerin En Güzel Aşk Şiirleri (The Most Beautiful Love Poems of Famous Poets, 1999).

In addition, he translated works by Angelus Sileisus, Eugen Herriyel, Djilas, Lukacs, Heinrich Zimmer, Jürgen Rahle, Wilhelm Weischedel, Karl Jasrpers, Giardono Eruno, and Nietzsche. 

REFERENCE: Ahmet İnam / Üç Kitap-Leke (Soyut dergisi, Temmuz 1970), Abdullah Ö. Hacıtahiroğlu / Sedat Umran’ın Son Eseri: Leke (Hisar Dergisi, Eylül 1977), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2007, 2009) -  Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Fomous People (2013),   Beşir Ayvazoğlu / Bütün Ömrünü Şiire Adayan Adam: Sedat Umran (Defterimde Kırk Sûret, 3. bas., 1999, s. 68-72), Osman Serhat Erkekli / Günümüz Türk Şiiri ve Sedat Umran Üzerine Notlar (Yaba Edebiyat, Ocak-Şubat 2000), Müslüm Yücel / Virgül (sayı: 44, Ekim 2001), Hüseyin Akın / Söyleşi (Yedi İklim, Ekim 2004), Şair Sedat Umran vefat etti - Türk şiirinin önde gelen isimlerinden Sedat Umran, bu sabah İstanbul'da vefat etti (, 07 Ağustos 2013), Türkiye Yazarlar Birliği / Türkiye Kültür Sanat Yıllığı (2014).



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