Sait Maden

Translator, Poet

21 June, 2013
İstanbul State Academy of Fine Arts Department of Painting

Poet and translator (b. 1932, Çorum). He graduated from the İstanbul State Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Painting (1954). He continued his graphic work in his own company from 1958. Sait Maden, whose poems featured in various periodicals from 1946, obtained the first prize in a translation competition held in 1950 by Varlık Publishing House with his poem translated from Baudelaire.


POETRY: Açıl Ey Gizem (Open, Oh Mystery!, 1996), Yol Yazıları (The Way of Writing, 1997), Hiçlemeler (Negations, 1997).

STUDY: Sanat Tarihi (The History of the Arts, 1979), Şiir Tapınağı (The Poem Temple, 1985).

ANTHOLOGY: Yeryüzü Şiiri - İnsanoğlunun Beş Bin Yıllık Şiir Serüveni 1 (The Poem of the Earth – The Poem Adventure of Humans over Five Millennia 1, 1998), Yeryüzü Destanları  İnsanoğlunun Beş Bin Yıllık Şiir Serüveni 2 (The Legends of the Earth - The Poem Adventure of Humans over Five Millennia 2, 1998), Çağdaş İspanyol Şiiri Antolojisi 1900-2000 (The Anthology of Modern Spanish Poetry, from 93 poets, 400 examples, anthology, 2001).

ALBUM: Simgeler (Symbols, selections from emblems and logos he has drawn, 1990).

BIOGRAPHY: Ben Kimim (Who am I ?, 2004).

COLLECTION: Fuzûlî-Bugünün Diliyle Seçmeler (Fuzûlî- Selections in Today’s Language, 2003).

He has also prepared translations.




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