Historian (b. 1958, Bulancak / Giresun). He graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department
of History, Branch of Modern History in 1979 after having completed his primary
and secondary education in Giresun. He started to work as a civil servant at
the History Research Institute when he was a student at the same faculty. He
was appointed to the branch he graduated from as an assistant in 1981. His
thesis on the social and economic history of Manisa and surroundings in XVI
Century was accepted in 1985. He was appointed to the Modern History Branch as
an assistant professor in 1987. He became an associate professor 1989 and
became a professor in 1995. He is still Vice Dean of İstanbul University,
Faculty of Literature and gives courses on Ottoman History at the Department of
History. He is a member of the Turkish Historical Society.
He has written articles for the İslâm
Ansiklopedisi. He has participated in many symposiums and seminars and
given papers. His articles have been published in reviews such as Tarih Dergisi, Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi, Türk
Kültürü ve Ahilik, Osmanlı Araştırmaları, Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi,
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Tarih ve Medeniyet,
Toplumsal Tarih, Belleten, Güney Doğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi etc. as
well as in collaborative and gift books.
XVI. Asırda Manisa Kazası (Manisa Town in the XVI Century, l989), Mühimme Defteri, nr. 90 (Book of Imperial Records, number 90,
collaborative book, l993), Osmanlılar'da
Divan-Bürokrasi-Ahkâm: II. Bayezid Dönemine Ait 906 /1501 Tarihli Ahkâm Defteri
(Council-Bureaucracy-Laws of the Ottomans: Law Book numbered 906 / 1501
Bayezid II Era, with İ. Şahin, 1994), 3
Numaralı Mühimme Defteri (Book of Imperial Records Number 3, collaborative
book, l994), Unutulmuş Bir Cemaat: Manisa
Yahudileri (A Forgotten Community:
the Manisa Jews, 1997), İlk Osmanlılar ve
Batı Anadolu Beylikler Dünyası (The First Ottomans and the World of West
Anatolia Principalities, 2001).