Mehmet Süleyman (Avanzade)

Yayıncı, Yazar

Medical School Department of Pharmacy

Writer, publisher (b. 1871, İstanbul - d. 1922, İstanbul). He attended Beşiktaş Military School (1890) and graduated from Medical School, Department of Pharmacy (1893). After working at Haydarpaşa and Yıldız Hospitals for some time, he started to work in the publishing business and began to write articles for various reviews and to publish books. In 1902, the publications in the review Musavver Terakki offended Russia so he was exiled to Jerusalem in 1903. He stayed there for four years and then fled to Cairo in 1907. After the declaration of the Second Constitutional Monarchy (1908), he returned to İstanbul and was appointed captain to the Military Health, Translation and Statistic Division.

In 1912, he was promoted to major and began to work as crime and punishment inspector at the Ministry of War Health Department. He published some reviews in this period such as Ceride-i Tıbbiye-i Askeriye, Afiyet, Güzel Prenses and Hür Çocuk. He published compilation and translation books aimed at the general public on various subjects, as Ahmet Mithat Efendi did. He published Nevsal-i Nisvan, which was the first almanac for women. He prepared more than a hundred translation and compilation works. His grave is located in Karacaahmet.


STUDY-RESEARCH: Muharrir Kadınlar (Women Writers), 1892), Musavver Fenni Eğlenceler (Technological Entertainment in Pictures, Part 1 and 2 in 1892; Part 3 in 1894), Çocuklara Mahsus Hikâye Cüzdanı (Portfolio of Tales for Children, 1896), Receb'in Nişanlısı (Receb’s Fiancée, 1898), Ahrar mı, İttihat mı (Ahrar* or İttihat*?, 1911), Gençlerde İstimna Bilyed (Masturbation in the Young, 1912), Eczacılara Mahsus Muhtıra (Memorandum for Pharmacists, 1913), Ayna ile Keşf-i İstikbal (Discovery of the Future Through a Mirror, 1914), İdrar Tahlili (Urine Analysis, 1914), Kısır Kadınlar (Infertile Women, 1914), Kızları Nasıl Evlendirmeli (How to Get the Girls Married, 1914), Musavver ve Mükemmel Kıyafetname (Perfect Book on Dressing with Pictures, 1914), Rehber-i Muamelat-ı Zevciye (A Guide to Treating Wives, 1914), Tılsım, Sihir, Büyü: Bizdeki Tesirat ve Tatbikat (Talisman, Magic, Spell: Influences and Practices in Our Country, 1914), Aza Seğirmesi (Organ Involuntary Movements, 1915), Aile Aşçısı - 100 Türlü Çorba Pişirmek Usülü (The Family Cook - How to Cook 100 Soups, 1919), Alman Kadınları (German Women, 1919), Almanlar Gibi Kuvvetli ve Uzun Boylu Nasıl Olmalı (How to be Strong and Tall Like Germans, 1919), Almanya Tarihi (History of Germany, 1919), Baha ile Şefika (Baha and Şefika, 1919), Gözlerdeki Esara ve Göz Hıfzıssıhası (Eye Wrinkles and Eye Hygiene 1919), İngiliz Kadınları (Women of The United Kingdom, 1919), Kuvvet İlaçları (Drugs for Strength, 1919), Semirmek Usulleri ve Zayflamak Çareleri (The Ways to Gain and Lose Weight, 1919).

In addition, he translated from Hugo and Dumas.


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