Mehmet S. Aydın

Devlet Adamı, Felsefeci

Ankara University Faculty of Theology

Philosopher, statesman. He was born in Elazığ in 1943. He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Theology in 1966. He was sent to England for his doctoral studies by Ministry of National Education in 1967. He completed his doctoral studies at Edinburgh University in 1972, returned to the country and started to work as an assistant of philosophy at Ataturk University, Faculty of Islamic Sciences. After completing his military service, he was appointed to Ankara University, Faculty of Theology. He became an associate professor of Systematic Philosophy and Logic in 1978. He gave lectures in Ankara University DTCF and METU Departments of Philosophy. He was appointed as a professor at Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Theology in 1984. He was elected as the Izmir deputy of JDP on November 3, 2002 elections and became a State Minister during Abdullah Gül and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan governments.

He has several articles written in Turkish and various languages (English, Arabic and Dutch) on religion and philosophy. He has been the editorial board member of many academic institutions and journals at national and international levels.


Kant ve Çağdaş İngiliz Felsefesinde Tanrı Ahlak İlişkisi (1978), Turkish Contribution to Philosophy (1985), Din Felsefesi (Philosophy Religion, 1996), Din Kültürü ve Ahlak Bilgisi (1996), Islam and Dialog (A. Collecition of Papers Read in Different İnstitutions in Holland, 1996), Mehmet Aydın’la İçe Kritik Bakış (edit. Mehmet Gündem, 1999), Müslümanların Hristiyanlara Karşı Yazdığı Reddiyeler ve Tartışma Konuları (1999), Alemden Allah’a (2000), Kur’an’ın Ana Konuları (2000), İslâmın Evrenselliği (2000), İslâm Felsefesi Yazıları (2000), Niçin? (2002), Küreselleşme: Siyasi Ekonomik ve Kültürel Boyutlarıyla (with M. Armağan, S. H. Bolay, M. Altan, 2002).

REFERENCE: Mehmet Aydın’la İçe Kritik Bakış (edit. Mehmet Gündem, 1999), Ahmet Turan Alkan (Zaman gazetesi, 6.1.2001), Küreselleşme: Siyasi, Ekonomik ve Kültürel Boyutlarıyla (Milliyet Kültür-Sanat, 24.7.2002), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).



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