Economist, politician (B. March 19, 1922, Erzurum – D.
2008, Ankara). He completed his primary and secondary education in several provinces.
He graduated from Eskişehir High School (1940) and Ankara University,
Faculty of Political Sciences (1944). He was appointed as the Economics and
Finance Group assistant at the same faculty in 1945. He became a professor in
1958. He worked as a consultant at DPT between the years 1960-1962. He became a
member of TIP (Workers’ Party of Turkey). He was the TIP Istanbul deputy at TGNA between the years
1965 and 1969. He was arrested during March 12, 1971 military intervention with
the reason of being a TIP ruler, and during September 12, 1980 military coup
because of the reason being the Research Institute Director at DISK. He was put
on trial and imprisoned. After being released from the prison in 1984, he
worked together with Aziz Nesin at the establishment and management of an
intellectual attempt named “Democracy Watch Committee”. He participated in the
publication of a journal named Marksizm
ve Gelecek in 1989 and worked as the editor. Then he participated in the
formation of a new Marxist socialist party SBP and was selected as the
president of the political party which was officially established on January 15,
Bütçenin Hazırlanışı (from E, Kurnow,
1956), İstihdam, Para ve İktisadî Politika (1960, 1963), İktisada
Başlangıç (1965), 100 Soruda Ekonomi El Kitabı (1968), TİP Olayı
1961-1971 (1993).
Mücellidoğlu Ali Çankaya / Yeni Mülkiye Tarihi ve Mülkiyeliler (vol. V, 1968),
Yurt Ansiklopedisi (vol. IV, 1982), TİP Olayı 1961-1971(1993).