Poet and painter (b. 11 September 1943,
Örükçü / Akçadağ / Malatya). He graduated from Akçadağ Secondary School, Kuleli
Military High School and Izmir Air Force Academy. He served in Diyarbakır
(1961-67), Ankara (1967-72), Balıkesir (1972-75) and Ankara military bases
(1975-80) in the Turkish Air Force. He retired from the Air Force in 1980 when
he was a squadron leader. He continued his studies on literature and painting.
His paintings were exhibited in many joint and private exhibitions. He supervised
İstanbul Doku Art Gallery from 1983.
His first poem was published in the
review Çağrı in 1969, his later works
were published in the reviews Çağrı
(1961-67), Evrim (1962-65), Ataç (1965), Varlık (1967), Yeditepe
(1964-67), Türk Dili (1967-80), Türkiye Yazıları (1977-80), Yazko Edebiyat (1980-82), Adam Sanat (1992-94). He is member of
the Turkish Authors Association and the Writers Syndicate of Turkey.
WORKS (Poetry):
Ak Özlem (The Honest Desire, 1962), Çoklu Kentler Gerçeği (Reality of Multi Cities, 1963), Sûrelerin Sözü (Word of the Suras of the Koran, 1964), Doğu (The Orient, 1965), Türkiye Bizi Dinliyor (Turkey is Listening to Us, 1967), Yeniden (Again, 1970), Kolkola (Arm in Arm, 1977), Yazılan (Fate, 1982), Acılar Bize Kalıyor (Grief Remains for Us, 1996), Ses ve Doku (Sound and Texture, 1996), İzini Süren (That Which Traces, 1996), Gül ve Defne (Rose and Bay Tree, with drawings by Orhan Taylan, 1996), Yüreğim Yüreğim (Oh My Heart, with drawings by Kayhan Keskinok, 1996), Sesler (Sounds, with drawings by Ali Candaş, 1997), Kasırga (The Whirlwind, 2002).