Mehmet H. Doğan

Critic, Translator, Writer

Air Force School
Other Names
Mehmet Zeki Tokyay

Critic (b. 1931, Adana). He is from a family who immigrated to Adana from European Turkey. He graduated from Adana High School (1949) and the Air Force School (1951). He worked as a pilot in the Air Force (1951- 57) and as a teacher of English at high schools in İzmir (1959- 70). He left the army in 1970 and worked as an instructor of English at Ege University, School of Foreign Languages and retired in 1978.

His literary career started with poetry (1974) but afterwards he concentrated more on critique. His poetry was published in the reviews Aydınlık, Eylem (1964- 65) and his critiques have been published in newspapers and reviews such as Yön, Papirüs, Milliyet Sanat, Politika etc. He came first at the critique contest held by the review Yeni Dergi in 1967 and won the 1974 Turkish Language Association Critique Award.


ESSAY-RESEARCH-CRITIQUE: Tekrarın Tekrarı (Repeat of the Repetition, 1972), 100 Soruda Estetik (Aesthetics in 100 Questions, 1975; 2nd edition with the name “Aesthetics”, 2001), Birikime Dayanmak (Relying on Accumulation, 1979), Şiirin Yalnızlığı (The Loneliness of Poetry, 1986), Türkiye’de Darbeler, Müdahaleler ve Siyasî Sistem (Coups, Interventions and the Political System in Turkey, 1990), İletişim ve Dehşet Çağı (Age of Communication and Horror, 1993), Çağının Tanığı Olmak (Being A Witness of the Age, 1993), Yazıdan Bakmak (Looking At Writing, 1993), Şiir ve Eleştiri (Poem and Critique, 1998), Yalvaçlar ve Biliciler (Prophets and Scholars, 2004), Yılların Köpüğü/ Seçme Denemeler (Lather of the Years / Selected Essays, 2005).

ANTHOLOGY-ALMANAC: 1993 Şiir Yıllığı (1993 Poetry Almanac, 1993), 1994 Şiir Yıllığı (1994 Poetry Almanac, 1994), Hece Taşları (Syllable Stones, 1997), Yüzyılın Türk Şiiri / 1900 - 2000 (Turkish Poetry of the Century / 1900 – 2000, in 3 volumes, 2001), YKY Şiir Yıllığı 2002 (Yapı Kredi Publications 2002 Poetry Almanac, 2002), YKY Şiir Yıllığı 2003 (Yapı Kredi Publications 2002 Poetry Almanac, 2004).

MEMOIR: Şimdi Uzaklardasın (You Are Faraway Now, 1998).

He has also translated works.



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