poet (b. 1930, Söke / Aydın – d. 20 June 1986, İstanbul). He graduated from The Istanbul Academy of Economics and Commercial Studies (1955). He became the
assistant of Prof. Dr. Ziya Fahri Fındıkoğlu at İstanbul University, Faculty of
Economics where he entered after having worked as a manager at Turkey Sugar
He earned his PhD with the thesis
“Yörüklerin İktisadi ve İctimai Teşkilatı” (Economics and Social Organization
of Yörüks – 1965). He became an associate professor with thesis
“Marksizm-Leninizm ve Tenkidi” (Marxism- Leninism and Critic) in 1971 and a
professor with the thesis “Türkiye'de Alevilik ve Bektaşilik” (Alawite and
Bektaşi Tarikat’s* in Turkey) in 1977. He was working as an academician at
İstanbul University, School of Economics when he died.
Sosyolojisine Başlangıç (Introduction to the Economics Sociology, 1973), Doğu
Anadolu Hakkında (About East Anatolia, 1973), Türkiye'de Alevilik-Bektaşilik
(Alawite and Bektaşi Tarikat’s* in Turkey, 1977), Türk Kültürü Araştırmaları
(Turkish Culture Studies, 1977), Doğu Anadolu'nun Türklüğü (Turkish Property of
East Anatolia, 1982), Millî Kültürümüz ve Meselelerimiz (Our National Culture
and Issues, 1983), Hristiyanlaşan Türkler (Christianized Turks, 1983), Türk
Milleti ve Türk Milliyetçiliği (Turkish Nation and Turkish Nationalism, 1984),
Türk Ailesi (Turkish Family, 1985).
Sevendeli (Lovingmad).