Economist (b. 1926, Stip / Macedonia – d. 10 December 2007, İstanbul).
He attended İstanbul 16th. Primary School, İstanbul Fatih Elementary
School and graduated from Vefa High School (1943), Ankara University, Faculty
of Political Sciences (1947) and Ankara University, Faculty of Law (1950). He
worked as an academician (professor) at İstanbul University where he did his
Ph.D. and in many universities such as Cornell University in the United States
(1955-77) and the University of Melik Abdul Aziz (1980-82). He was a member of
the Committee for the Selection and Evaluation of the Managers of the Islamic
Development Bank (1977-78), a counselor of Islamic Banking at the İstanbul
Conference, a lecturer at Türk-İş College of Trade Unionism (1965-76), a member
of the University of Melik Abdulaziz International Economy of Islam
Consultation Committee (1978-82), a member of the Committee of Trustees of the
Middle East Technical University (1977-79) and member of the Committee of
Trustees of the Islamabad (Pakistan) International University of Islam from
1985; he was also among the members of the Organization of International
Industrial Relations, the Turk- Libya Institute of Friendship and the Turk-
Saudi Arabia Institute of Friendship. From 1966 he worked at the Turkish
Council of Higher Education and after 1998 he worked as a member of the Board
of Directors of the Faisal Finance Corporation and as an academician at Fatih
He is known especially for his articles and books about Islamic Economics
and research into possibilities of co-operation between Islamic countries and
also in the areas of economy and foreign policy. His articles have been
published in reviews and newspapers such as Forum, İktisat Fakültesi (1955), Sümerbank
(1963), İslâm Düşüncesi (1968), Türk Dünyası
(1969), Büyük Türkiye (1971), Kubbealtı
Akademi Mecmuası (1977), İslâm Tetkikleri Enstitüsü Dergisi (1978),
Akademi (1979), Yeni İş Dünyası (1984), Altınoluk
(1987), Boğaziçi Mecmuası (1984), Hür Düşünce
(1966) Arabia (1986), Fetih
(year: 1 number: 2), İslâm (1992), Yeni Türkiye
(1997) etc. He has also presented papers at national and international
conferences and many of his hundreds of articles have been published in award
and collaborative books. He won the Islamic Development Bank Economics of the
Islamic World Award in 1992, the Islamic Bank Award in 1996 and he was honored
with the Writers Union of Turkey Eminent Services Award in 1992 for his
contributions to science and culture.
Modern İktisat ve İslâm (Modern Economics and Islam, 1969), Avrupa Ortak Pazarı ve Türkiye
(The European Common Market and Turkey, 1970), Türkiye’nin Nüfus Sorunu (The Problem of Population in Turkey,
1973), (Possibilities of Economic Co-operation Between Middle Eastern Countries
(undated), İslâm ve İktisadi Nizam
(Islam and the Economic System, 1979), İslâmın
İktisadi Görüşü (Islam’s View of
Economy, 1981), Survey of Muslim
Education (1985), İslâm, İnsan ve
Ekonomi (Islam, People and Economy, 1992), Türk İslâm Dünyasının Yeniden
Yapılanması (Reconstruction of the Turk-Islam World, 1993).
He has carried out research and done various studies in the area of economics.