Ahmet Efe

Writer, Poet

01 September, 1955
Ankara Academy of Economics and Commerce
Other Names
Enes Teslim, Fatih Yiğit

Poet and writer (b. 1 September 1955, Kayseri). He has used the pen names Enes Teslim and Fatih Yiğit on some of his works. He is the son of Fetava-i Hindiyye (Fetwa of Hindiyye), the translator Mustafa Efe. He attended Keskin Cumhuriyet Primary School (1967), Ankara İmam Hatip High School (1973) and graduated from Keçiören High School and the Ankara Academy of Economics and Commerce (1979). He worked as an assistant director at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Directorate of Collection and Publication (1973-78). He worked at the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (1978-80) and again as an officer at the Ministry of Religious Affairs (1980-83). He stopped working as a civil servant and established Kandil Publications. He worked for Zaman newspaper and for Kombassan Holding-Esra Film (1993-98). He has been the scenarists and director of some short and full-length films. He has prepared programs for local radio and TV channels. He has worked as an editor, art consultant and as a graphic artist for books published by the Municipality of Konya and the City Culture Directorate. He has been the director of an advertisement agency since 1998.

His first poem İstanbul (İstanbul) was published in Pınar magazine in 1973. His articles and poems were later published in the magazines Yeniden Millî Mücadele, Pınar, Gençlik (publication director, 1992-93), Türk Edebiyatı, Diyanet, Yeni Devir, Millî Gazete and Zaman. He received the Writers Union of Turkey Children’s Literature Award in 1985. He has received awards in competitions held by various associations and foundations. He was manager of the magazine Kandil (13 editions, 1986).


NOVEL: Kor (Glowing Fire, 1981), Yunus (Dolphin, 1981), Üç Kandil (Three Candles, 1984), N’oldu Bu Gönlüm (What Happened to My Heart?, 1987), Yasemin’in Dünyası (The World of Yasemin, 1989), Acı (Pain, 1996).

SHORT STORY: Akyazı (White Writing), Fındık Osman (Hazelnut Osman), Tabya (Bastion, 1983), Hançer (Dagger, 1983), Uçurtmam Kuşlardan Güzel (My Kite is More Beautiful Than the Birds, 1991), Yakın Arkadaş (Close Friend, 1995), Ganj (The Ganges, 1996), Yakın Arkadaş (Close Friend, 1997), Mevlâna’dan Hikâyeler (Stories from Mevlâna, 2004).

POETRY: Sevgi Çiçeği (Love Flower, children’s poetry, 1981), Vedâ (Farewell, 1981), Ellerin Üşümesin (Don’t Make Your Hands Cold, children’s poetry, 1983), Işığın Yüreği (Heart of the Light, children’s poetry, 1991), Can Gazeli (Ode of the Spirit, 1994), Ey Yâr (Hi Darling, 1995), Işığın Yüreği  (Heart of the Light, 1999).

ESSAY: Kılavuz Yazılar (Guide to Writing, 1986), Son Cümle (The Last Sentence, 1998), Ah Mine’l-Aşk (Oh! From this Love, 2004).

STUDY-RESEARCH: Çocuklara İslâm Akaidi (Islam Doctrines for Children, 1985), Siret-i Resûl (Virtue of the Prophet, biography, 1993), Anadolu Selçuklu Sultanları (Anatolian Seljuk Sultans, 1993), Gençler ve Çocuklar İçin İbadet Bilgileri (Respected Intellectuals for the Young, 1994), Çocuklar ve Gençler İçin Ahlâk Bilgileri (Moral Information for the Young, 1994), Konya’da 40 Büyük Eser (40 Great Works in Konya, 1998), Târih-i Âli Selçûk (History of Seljuk the Great, 1998), Minyatürlerle Mevlâna ve Ailesi (Mevlâna and His Family with Miniatures, 2004).

ANTHOLOGY: Çocuklar Güle Benzer (Children are Like Roses, 1980), Çocuklara Tarih ve Kahramanlık Hikâyeleri (Stories of History and Heroism for Children, 1986), Çiçek Yağmuru (Flower Rain, 1991), Kafdağı Uzak Değil (The Fabulous Mountain is not Far, 1995).

ENCYCLOPEDIA: Çocuklara İslâm Ansiklopedisi (Islam Encyclopedia for Children, 1984), Çocuklara İslâm Büyükleri Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopedia of Great Men of Islam for Children, 1985), Osmanlı Tarihi Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopedia of Ottoman History, 1990).

FAIRY-TALE: Keloğlan, Keleşoğlan (Bald Son, Bad Son, 1984).

PLAY: Cepheye Koşmak (Running to the Front, 1981), Atlar Nerede Kışlayacak? (Where Will the Horses Go for Winter?, 1996).

REFERENCE: Kemal Karabulut / Ahmet Efe ile Çocuk Edebiyatı Üzerine (Zaman, 6.2.1987), Durdu Şahin / Şair Ahmet Efe ile Okumak, Yazmak ve Düşünmek Üzerine (Akit, 28.9.1987), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007), Abdullah Çınar / “Binlerce Güvercin”, “Huysuz Hasta” ve “Acı” filmlerinin Yönetmeni Ahmet Efe ile Bir Konuşma (Akit, 1.4.1994), İbrahim Demirci / Ahmet Efe ile Bir Konuşma (Çerağ dergisi, Kasım 1995), Hayri Maraşlıgil / Çocuklara İslâm Ansiklopedisi Üzerine Ahmet Efe ile Bir Konuşma (Millî Gazete, 2.2.1995), M. Emin Parlaktürk / Çelebi İnsan: Ahmet Efe (Merhaba gazetesi, 14.3.2003).


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