S. Nüzhet Ergun

Edebiyat Araştırmacısı

24 Nisan, 1946
İstanbul University Faculty of Literature
Diğer İsimler
Sadettin Nüzhet (tam adı)

Researcher of literature (b. 1901, Bursa – d. 24 April 1946, İstanbul). His full name was Sadettin Nüzhet. After attending the Üsküdar School of Union and Progress for a while, he transferred to the Üsküdar High School, and graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature. When his uncle Ferit Efendi, Sheikh of the Üsküdar Hallaç Baba Sadi Dergâh*, died, he became the sheikh by Proxy when he was nine years old, and official on an exam in 1921. The poet Üsküdarlı Talat noted this date in one of his poems. He received the title Velî* from Ali Fakrî Efendi, and apart from the Sâdi order, he received permission to join the Rüfaî and Nakşibendî* orders. When Dergâh’s* were closed down on the decision by the government (1925), he worked as a teacher of literature at various schools in Konya, at İstanbul Erenköy High School for Girls and the Kadıköy High School for Boys. Then he worked at the Museum of Archeology and at the Beyazıt Public Library as an officer and a director. He died of tuberculosis in 1946, and was buried next to Poet Nedim at the Karacaahmet Graveyard.

He began his literary studies when he was a student at the university, by publishing poems in the Millî Mecmua, and essays in newspapers in Konya and Ankara. He prepared monographs of several writers, and edited many anthologies. He died before completing his most important work Türk Şairleri Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopedia of Turkish Poets). One of his most important works is Türk Musikisi Antolojisi (An Anthology of Turkish Music).


İlm-i Tasavvuf (The Science of Mysticism, 1922), Konya Vilayeti Halkiyat ve Harsiyatı (Folklore and Culture in the Province Konya, in collaboration with Mehmet Ferit, 1926), Halk Şairleri (Folk Poets, three volumes, 1926-27), Karacaoğlan (Karacaoğlan, 1927-33), Gevheri (Gevheri, 1928), XIX. Asır Saz Şairlerinden Pir Sultan Abdal (Pir Sultan Abdal, a Minstrel of the XIX. Century, 1929), Bektaşi Şairleri (Bektaşi Poets, 1930; published with the title “Bektaşi Şairleri ve Nefesleri”-Bektaşi Poets and Their Poems, volumes 1-2, 1944-56; and “Bektaşi-Kızılbaş-Alevi Şairler ve Nefesleri”-Bektaşi-Kizilbas-Alevid Poets and Their Poems, 1955-56), Tanzimata Kadar Muhtasar Türk Edebiyat Tarihi ve Nümuneleri (A Brief History and Samples of Turkish Literature until the Reformation, 1931), İstanbul’da Medfûn Meşahire Ait Mezar Kitabeleri (Inscriptions on the Tombs of the Celebrities Buried in İstanbul, 1931), Mevlâna (Mevlana, 1932), Şeyh Galip (Şeyh Galip, 1932), Namık Kemal (Namık Kemal, 1933), Âşık Ömer Hayatı ve Eserleri (Âşık Ömer, His Life and Works, 1935), Beşiktaşlı Gedaî (Beşiktaşlı Gedai, 1933), Silleli Sürurî (Silleli Sururi, 1933), Neşatî (Neşati, 1933), Rami Paşa (Rami Paşa, 1933), Sabahî (Sabahi, 1933), Şeyhülislâm Bahâî (Bahai the grand Mufti, 1933), Cenap Şahabettin (Cenap Şahabettin, 1934), Fehmî (Fehmi, 1934), Samih Rıfat (Samih Rıfat, 1934), Silleli Sürûrî (Silleli Sururi, 1934), Kâtibî (Katibi, 1934), Kuloğlu (Kuloğlu, 1934), Bakî Divanı (The Divan* of Baki, 1935), Baki Hayatı ve Eserleri (Baki, His Life and Works, 1935), Edebiyat ve Edebiyat Tarihi Özü (Core of Literature and History of Literature, 1935), Aşık Ömer (Aşık Ömer, 1936), Karacaoğlan Hayatı ve Şiirleri (Karacaoğlan, His Life and Poems, 1938), Türk Şairleri Antolojisi (An Anthology of Turkish Poets, 96 fascicles, 3 volumes, until the letter F, 1936-45), Aka Gündüz Hayatı ve Eserleri (Aka Gündüz, His Life and Works, 1937), Ali Canip (Ali Canip, 1937), Halk Edebiyatı Antolojisi (An Anthology of Folk Literature, 1938), Namık Kemal'in Şiirleri (Poems of Namık Kemal, 1941), Türk Musikisi Antolojisi (An Anthology of Turkish Music, 2 volumes, 1942-43), Hataî Divanı (The Divan* of Hataî, 1946), Şah İsmail Safevi, Edebi Hayatı ve Nefesleri (Şah İsmail Safevi, His Life and Poems, 1946), Bektaşi Edebiyatı Antolojisi (An Anthology of the Bektaşi Literature, 1956), Divan Edebiyatına Dair Makaleler (Essays on the Divan* Literature).

REFERENCE: Yurt Ansiklopedisi (c. I, 1982), Ferit Ragıp Tuncor / Sadettin Nüzhet Ergun (Defne sanat dergisi, Mayıs-Haziran 1990), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) – Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Ekrem Bektaş / TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi (c. 11, 1995), Her Sayıda Bir Şair (Size dergisi, Aralık 1989), Musiki Mecmuası (Ekim 1998), Mehmet Behçet Yazar / Edebiyatçılar Alemi - Edebiyatımızın Unutulan Simaları (yay. haz. Mustafa Everdi, 1999), Behçet Necatigil / Edebiyatımızda İsimler Sözlüğü (18. bas. 1999), TBE Ansiklopedisi (2001), İbnülemin Mahmud Kemal İnal / Son Asır Türk Şairleri (c. IV, 2002).




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