Ahmet Ağırakça

Tarih Araştırmacısı, İlahiyatçı, Çevirmen

Istanbul Higher Islamic Institute, Istanbul University Faculty of Literature

Theology and history researcher, translator. He was born in Mardin, in 1950. He was graduated from Mardin Cumhuriyet Primary School (1962), Mardin Imam Hatip School (1969), Mardin High School, Istanbul High Islam Institute (today Marmara University Faculty of Theology, 1973) and Istanbul University Faculty of Literature History Department (1975). He worked in Directorate of Religious Affairs (1973-75) for a while, and then he worked as a teacher at Istanbul Bakırköy High School (1976-77). As from 1977, he became an assistant in Konya Selçuk University Faculty of Theology and then Istanbul University Faculty of Literature Medieval History Subdivision. After PhD. preparation period he received his PhD. with the thesis “Müneccimbaşı Ahmed İbn Lutfullah’ın Câmi’u’d-Düvel” Adlı Eserinin Tenkidli Metin Neşri ve Tercümesi” from Istanbul University Faculty of Literature Medieval History Chair between 1979 and 1983, in 1987 he became Assistant Professor, in 1988 he became Associate Professor, in 1996 he became Professor. In May 1999 he got retired from Istanbul University Faculty of Literature History Department.

Later, he worked as the dean of Holland/Rotterdam Islam University Faculty of Theology, as Founding Head and Vice Rector in European Islam University, as the Dean in European Islam University Islamic Sciences Faculty and Vice Rector. He continued his studies as visiting lecturer in European Islam University and Principle of Private Sultançiftliği High School. He is a member of International Muslim Scholars Association Board of Trustees.

He worked as a director and writer in many literal, scientific, political, social journals. He published his articles in Yeni Haber (Mardin, 1967), Düşünce, Sûra, Tevhid, Hicret, Islâm, Mekteb, Millî Gazete (1985), Aylık Dergi, Türk Kültürü Dergisi, IUEF Tarih Dergisi, IUEF, Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi, Belleten, MUFEF Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi and Prof.Dr.Hakkı Dursun Yıldız Armağanı, Ankara 1995) and Prof.Dr.Fikret Işıltan’a Doğumunun 80.Yılı Armağanı (1997) gift books. He wrote articles for published TDV İslam Encyclopedia and Şamil İslam Encyclopedia. He presented eighteen papers in national and international symposiums. He attended to conferences, seminars and panels of many public and civil organizations for many years. He was the general director of 6 volumes Şamil Islam Encyclopedia and he did the scientific reduction of it and prepared it for publishing. He organized a few symposiums and prepared the papers for publishing.


RESEARCH: İslâmi Devlet Düzeni (1978), İslam Toplumunun Yeniden İnşası ve Ömer İbn Abdülaziz (1984), Emeviler Devrinde Kıyamlar (1994), Müneccimbaşı Ahmed b. Lutfullah’ın Cami’u’d-Düvel (Doktora tezi, Osmanlı Tarihi 1299-1481- Tenkidli Metin ve Tercümesi, 1995), Salahaddin Eyyubî ve Kudüs’ün Yeniden Fethi (1997), Hz. Ebubekir Devri İslâm Tarihi (1998), İslâm Tıp Tarihi (2004).

BIOGRAPHY: Hz. Ömer bin Abdülaziz (1984), Hz. Osman (1984), Ömer Muhtar (1984).

TRANSLATION: Taklidlerin Çarpışması (1985), Yirminci Asrın Cahiliyeti (1986), El Kâmil Fi’t Tarih (Volume 1, 3, 7, 8, 12 from İbn-ül Esîr’s 12 volumes work, 1986-87),İslâmın Tarih Yorumu (from İmamüddin Halil, 1988), Komutan Peygamber - Hz. Muhammed’in Askerî Dehası (from Mahmut Şit Hattab, 1988), İslam’da Yönetim ve Yönetici (from Said Havva, 1990), Emevîler Döneminde Saltanata Karşı Mücadele ve Kıyamlar (1992), İslâm ve Milliyetçilik  -Teori Pratik (from Mustafa Tahhân, 1994),  İslâmda İlk Tecdid Hareketi (from Ömer İbn Abdülaziz, 1995), Hz. Muhammed’in Risaleti, (from Emile Dermenghaim, 1997).

MEANING: Kur’an-ı Kerim Meali (with Beşir Eryarsoy, 1987).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / TEKA (2009).



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