Mehmet Emin Eminoğlu

İlahiyatçı, Çevirmen

Theologian, translator (B. 1932, Damascus – D. 2011, Konya). His real name is Mehmet Emin, but only Mehmet in the identity card. His wife, Emine Rida, is also a writer. He received Arabic and religious training in Damascus and in Cairo. He worked as the editor-in-chief for a journal and as the director of a secondary school in Kuwait; and he also taught interpretation courses. He established Eminoğlu Publishing House, and worked as Arabic and Ottoman sworn translator. He was selected by the courts as an expert in the translations of Ottoman documents. He has sorted around 5.200 books in Koyunoğlu Museum and Library and transferred those to digital environment.

His articles were published in the journals of Gözyaşı (1990), Konya Büyükşehir Belediyesi Dergisi (1990), and Konya Ticaret Odası (1997). He also has unpublished works. He is a member of Writers Union of Turkey and ILESAM.


RESEARCH: İmam Rabbani Mektubatı (vol. 1,  Arabic text survey and tahriç. Also Arabic summary of 3 volumes, 1969), Kur’an Işığında Kâinat ve Göklerin Fethi (1974), Çağımızı Aydınlatan Kur’an Mucizeleri (1978), Osmanlı Vesikalarını Okumaya Giriş (1989), Osmanlıca: Yazalım Okuyalım (1992), İslâm ve Hristiyan Kaynaklarına Göre İsa A.S. (1994), Konya Sırçalı Medresesi’nde Bulunan 170 Mezar Taşı Okunuşu ile Mezartaşlarını Okumaya Giriş (1995), Koyunoğlu Müze ve Kütüphanesi Yazma Eserler Katalogu (1997), Konya Ticaret Teşkilatı: Dünü ve Bugünü (1998).

COMPILATION: Kuddûsi Divanı (sadeleştirme, 1973).

TRANSLATION: Mevzularına Göre Kur’an-ı Kerim Fihristi (with appendix, 1968), Osmanlı Padişahları (1997; to Arabic), Nasreddin Hoca’dan Hikâyeler (1998, to Arabic), Mevlana’dan Hikâyeler (1999, to Arabic), Karatay Medresesi Yazı İncileri (1999, to English).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009), Türkiye Yazarlar Birliği / Türkiye Kültür Sanat Yıllığı (2012).



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