Mehmet Altan

İktisatçı, Gazeteci, Yazar

11 Ocak, 1953
Istanbul Academy of Economics and Commercial Studies
Diğer İsimler
Mehmet Hasan

Journalist and writer (b. 11 January 1953, Ankara). His full name is Mehmet Hasan. He is the son of writer Çetin Altan and the brother of the writer Ahmet Altan. He graduated from the Istanbul Academy of Economics and Commercial Studies. He received his PhD at the Sorbonne in 1979. He worked at Tam Life Insurance Inc. for a while (1973- 79). He worked as the Paris correspondent for the newspaper Cumhuriyet (1981- 84), as a planning specialist at the Bottle and Glass Factory Ltd. (1984- 86) and as an academician at İstanbul University, School of Economics. He became an associate professor in 1987 and professor in 1993.

He has been a columnist at the newspaper Söz, Güneş (1986-87) and Sabah since 1988. He won the Akademi Publishing House Essay Award with his work Kanatlı Karınca (Winged Ant) in 1986. He is a member of the Academy of İstanbul Economic and Commercial Studies Alumni.


Kanatlı Karınca (Winged Ant, 1985), Süperler ve Türkiye (The Super and Turkey, 1986), Marks’tan Sevgilerle (With Love from Marx, 1989), Darbelerin Ekonomisi (Economy of Coups, 1990), Matadorun Ölümü (Death of the Matador, 1992), Kapitalizm Bu Köye Uğramadı (Capitalism Did Not Come to This Village, 1994), Amerikan Rapsodisi (American Rhapsody, travel notes, 1999), Birinci Cumhuriyet Üzerine Notlar (Notes on the First Republic, 2001), Kanatlı Karınca (Winged Ant, with selections from the book Matadorun Ölümü-Death of the Matador, 2001), Marksist - Liberal (Marxist – Liberal, 2002), On Yıl Önce Bugün (Ten Years Ago Today, 2002), Kıbrıs Diye Bir Ada (An Island Named Cyprus, 2003), Kırık Düşler Ülkesi (The Land of Broken Dreams, 2003)

REFERENCE: İrfan Özen / Mehmet Altan: “İnsanlar Sığlaşıyor, Kendi İçlerine Yolculuk Yapmayı Kesiyorlar.” (Merdiven Sanat, Kasım 1997), Kanatlı Karınca (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 1.11.2001), Virgül (sayı: 46, Aralık 2001), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Fikir ve Kültür Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 3, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Veysel Usta (Virgül, sayı: 51, Mayıs 2002), Virgül (sayı: 53, Temmuz-Ağustos 2002), Serkan Öztürk (Virgül, sayı: 63, Haziran 2003), Nazlı Ilıcak, Mehmet Altan, Ahmet Altan hakkında sürpriz kararlar (, 04.11.2019).


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